❤️‍🩹Enakasa - Roommates

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Hi! This is based off an AU I made on Pinterest! (During my finals week lmao)
This is a lot more fluff than angst tho
Check out my Pinterest btw I'm cool I swear
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Ena and Tsukasa shared a nice little dorm together for their school. It was nearing their finals and they were both in their own corners worrying about them. Tsukasa was worried about his studies, because who was a star if they didnt have perfect grades? Might as well call him a failure. Ena, on the other hand, was worried about her art, because how else would someone like her prove her worth with her art. Ena knew she could do this, art is something she's supposed to be good at and yet she couldnt get it down.

Damn it...why couldn't she get it right? The proportions were all wrong! Even the color was off! She had so carefully placed blue for the reflection but it still looked weird. No matter how much she tried blending that part in, it wouldn't work. Then Ena felt a light tap on the shoulder, momentarily pulling her away from her work. It was Tsukasa who had come up behind her, looking at her heart over her right shoulder.

"Hey. I like your drawing so far." Tsukasa smiled at her. Damn it! Why did he smile at her. Her drawing wasn't even good or done yet.

She bluntly spoke up. "Why the hell are you trying to cheer me up? You have your own stuff to worry about, I saw how stressed you were yourself."

"Well, am I not allowed to care for my friends anymore?" Tsukasa chuckled, finding her concern sweet, yet amusing.

"But..! Still! You have your own stuff to worry about." Ena huffed, feeling irritated he didn't get her point at all.

Tsukasa sighed and then sat next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. He spoke with more care, "Ena, it's not that I don't care about my own stuff, it's just my friends are just as important as my studies. I mean, you're also worried right?"

Ena paused, "I suppose you're right...It's just, you always do this Tsukasa. It worries me sometimes."

"Well you always worry too much." Tsukasa deadpanned.

"Ugh. Says you, I'm worrying for my friend too idiot."

"Heh, Ena, you are way too stubborn," He took a moment to chuckle, "Okay, I get it. But don't forget what I said too okay?"

She looked down at her artwork with a quiet nod.

"Hey, you mind if I work next to you?" Ena spoke up, not sure herself why she would even ask.

"Oh! Of course." Tsukasa walked to his desk, making some room for her while she brought her chair over to sit beside his. They both settled down and got back to work. For some reason it felt almost peaceful. They were stressed, of course, but the simple presence of one another felt comforting. Ena was also a lot more focused now, it was like they were both in this together, side by side. Then she felt something warm hit her side.

"Heh. Tsukasa. Reallly?" Ena looked at the boy who had started to lean against her side with book in hand.

"Well. I just wanted to get comfy. You don't mind right?"


Ena felt a small smile creep onto her face. This was nice. Tsukasa was so kind to her. Seriously, the best roommate ever even if he was loud. Wasn't like Akito or Mizuki who would make things way too messy. It was also nice to be good friends with a roommate who shared so much in common with you.

Tsukasa glanced at Ena as she leaned back on him too. A soft look gracing both of their faces now.

Ena moved her art over Tsukasa's face which made him laugh a bit. "Yes Ena, your art looks fine. Better than fine, it's absolutely stunning. I'm sure you'll pass okay?" He gave her head a quick pat.

"Hey...don't do that..you'll mess up my hair." Ena said, but wasn't actually seriously annoyed. Taking her art back, she looked at it with a lot more confidence. He was right, she could do this. They both could do this.
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714 words
sorry this was short but I do love them

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