❤️‍🩹Mizurui - Childhood friends⁉️

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Teehee the silly edit above is by me >_<
This story is mainly fluffy but there's some little pinches of angst too.
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Rui was alone, once again, playing in the sandbox. He watched the sand fall from his hand, each small individual speck falling back into the sand. He grabbed another handful, sighing as he looked at the sand. Nobody had wanted to play with this loner weird kid at all except for his friend Nene.

Nene Kusangi, his next-door neighbor, always played with him. They would make up silly little stories and tales to act out which Nene always did brilliantly. Rui was always happy that Nene would bring his stories justice. But unfortunately, the Kusangi family was out on vacation, leaving him alone.

He mindlessly played in the sandbox, thinking of many ideas and things to speak with Nene. He saw this..pretty pink fluff of hair, playing by themselves on top of the playground set. Maybe...they were alone too..like him.

Rui walked up to the kid and held out a hand to them. "I'm Kamishiro Rui! What's your name?"

The kid sat there, stunned. Maybe at the fact that they were being talked to? It was just then Rui noticed how pretty they were. "Hey, I love your clothes, they're super cute." Rui smiled at them. This made this kid even more dumbfounded. The kid looked around him for a second.

"Are you trying to play a joke on me..?" The kid muttered. "It isn't funny."

Rui frowned and shook his head. "No? Why? You're really pretty!"

The kid stood up to meet his eyes and suspiciously eyed him... Rui kind of stood there, allowing them to. That's what he did with Nene...the stray cats and dogs, the bugs. So why wouldn't it work with this kid.?

They nodded slightly. "I'm Akiyama Mizuki." They shook his hand.

He immediately lit up. "Wanna play together?"

The kid smiled and nodded shyly, following him to the sandbox. Rui then started to sort things out. He had to try to make this as fun and safe as possible. He didn't want to lose a potential friend! He's going to do it right!

Mizuki crouched down. "What are we doing...?" They eyed the shovel, the bucket, and the small bag Rui carried.

"Well, we're going to act out the little mermaid. I have this other friend! Her name's Nene Kusanagi. She's super cool. And she plays the little mermaid and she can sing super well. Can you sing too? I'm trying to get enough members so we can all play it! Hmm..you're really pretty..maybe one of the sisters..?" Rui rambled on and on and Mizuki stood up.

"I'll..try to sing," They held their head up high. "What do you want me to sing?"

Rui pulled out a script and song lyrics as if he was prepared. He handed them to Mizuki and Mizuki blankly looked at it before awkwardly mumbling.

"Sorry, I don't know how to read this..." Mizuki handed him back the paper.

No! This can't be happening! Quick! Rui! Do something. "No no no! It's alright. How about I sing it for you and we try singing it together?"

Mizuki didn't seem like they were upset anymore, they just nodded. They stood side by side and Rui held the paper up for the both of them. Rui took a deep breath and Mizuki followed. He sang it over once and then nodded to Mizuki. Soon they were both singing a duet of the song and having tons of fun with it. They sang it over at least 7 times while adding their own fun additions. They would giggle at some funny ones. It was like they were in their little world.

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