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Request from my friendo arrow!
also idk I did not intend to make this angsty at all I just write usually and see where it goes.
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Ena Shinonome was laying on her bed, slightly worried as she watch the time tick by. She was supposed to be working on her art but all she could do was worry about Mizuki. She was counting the minutes since Mizuki had left. She even tried to sleep believe it or not, but no. She was dying to know where their annoying roommate was!

Finally, around two in the morning, Ena heard the sound of the door being unlocked and opening. Ena rushed over to them. "Mizuki!"

Mizuki just sighed, throwing her keys onto the table beside the door. They looked at Ena and nodded, as if to greet her.

"Yeah, I'm back."

She said with an almost sarcastic tone to her voice. Ena just blinked. What the hell was that???"Don't just say that! Where the hell were you? I've been worried sick!"

Mizuki just seemed taken aback by Ena's comment. She wasn't expecting to be questioned about her whereabouts.

"Eh? You were worried?" She said, before sighing again.

"Of course I was?!"

"I just.. went for a walk, okay?"

"Why are you an a walk for so long? And you came back so late? Don't you know about the creeps outside?!" Ena was getting frustrated.

Mizuki sighed. "Ena...I was..just with a friend. Okay? Don't worry so much." They lied. Mizuki didn't like to lie, but she also didn't like to be interrogated.

"Which friend Mizuki? What were you doing for five goddamn hours?"

"Why do you need to know?" Mizuki's sharpness was clear in her voice.

Ena was shocked, Mizuki snapping at her? "What's gotten into you? You're never like this. I'm just worried about you, idiot."

"What's it to you?" Mizuki mumbled.

"...because you're my friend." Ena's voice grew softer. "You should know that by now."

Mizuki immediately froze. They hadn't been expecting that comment, and felt bad for being so harsh. She tried to keep up her sharp exterior, but... that comment cut through it like a hot knife through butter.


They tensed up her words trailing off. She didn't know what to say or how to respond. She wasn't used to people worrying about her like this. Or caring about her like this, for that matter.

Ena huffed, "Goddamnit, this isn't like you, being all defensive and stuff. You're better than this. I don't know if it's the time or whatever but, I'm seriously worried. What's this attitude about?"

Mizuki just looked away. They hated it. They hated being confronted like this, even if Ena was trying to help. She hated being fussed over, especially if she wasn't able to be strong. "I just... I don't need your help, okay? Everything's fine..."

They spoke, her voice softer than it had been earlier. She didn't like being like this in front of her. But she didn't want things to get any more emotional, not when she was struggling to keep everything together.

"...Mizuki...seriously." Ena's voice grew even softer as she came beside her. "What's up? Y'know you can talk to me right?" She tried to give the most reassuring smile she could. She wanted Mizuki to feel safe with her.

Mizuki just listened to the words, her eyes looking at the floor. She hated how soft Ena was being, and she hated how emotional she was being. She just couldn't hold back her feelings anymore. She didn't want to worry Ena. She tried to speak up but they trailed off, as if debating whether or not she should say it. But she couldn't do that to Ena. She spoke before letting another thought cross her mind.

"I... I screwed up..."

"Screwed up? How?" Ena's eyes softened with concern. She was ready to listen to every word they said to her.

Mizuki was feeling almost embarrassed by now. She hated feeling this way, she felt..exposed. A tear started rolling down her face. They had been trying to keep it together the whole day, but it was all just collapsing. They couldn't lie to Ena right now. Suddenly, the dam broke. All the emotions and feelings Mizuki had been holding back exploded all at once. They finally broke down, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to talk through sobs.

"I-I... I s-stupidly agreed to do something... w-without thinking a-about the cons-sequences, a-and... a-and n-now I'm screwed..." She could barely talk, her whole body shaking as she struggled to continue.

Ena felt her heart sink. Oh no.. what possibly could've happened? With worry in her eyes, she wrapped an arm around them. "Hey...slow down okay? Try to explain everything slowly."

Mizuki took a few deep breaths to calm themselves down. "Okay..okay..so you know Toya right..?" Ena nods, allowing Mizuki to continue

"I met his father the other day, he told me that Toya's music group was really stressing him out and I needed to pull him away from it. So I did, I lied about being heavily sick and alone at home and that sweetheart believed it. Apparently he had a show that night and he said he was upset he had let his team down. I told Akito about it but he exploded on me about Toya's father wasn't good. Now I feel awful!"

Ena rubbed Mizuki's back. "That's...really sweet in a dumb way. That's a really sweet thing to be crying about but you are dumb."

Mizuki breathed out a small laugh. "Wow...so sweet Ena."

"Okay. Let's talk to the idiot. He's probably up right now." Ena got out her phone and dialed Akito's number but before they could even call him, Mizuki got a notification from Akito. It was a long text but long story short, the message said he was sorry. Mizuki sighed in relief.

"Now you just gotta tell Toya. See? Toya was a sweetheart right? He'd surely understand. You got all worked up over nothing." Ena pat Mizuki's back while they started texting their apology.

Ena sighed, "You scared me you know..? But I'm glad you're opening up more. See? I care even about the littlest things Mizuki."

Their lips curled into a smile, they sent the message and looked up at Ena. All of a sudden, they tackled Ena in a bear hug.

"Woah! Hey! Mizuki! Cut it out!"

"Enanan's such a softie!"

Ena was about to refute them but...their genuine contentment really made her smile.

"Haah. Jeez Mizuki." Ena hugged them back.
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1108 words.

Geh...this could be so much better presented but mizuki gets emotional over something like this because they just aren't used to coping with just sharing everything bad that went wrong so they get a lot more emotional!

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