☁️Akikasa - Catching feelings?!

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The sillies! This is a request and gift for my friend arrow hiiii :3

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Akito...dragged by Tsukasa while he was holding hands...god this had to be the worst day ever. He couldn't help but let out a groan of annoyance which Tsukasa just looked behind him with that damn annoying smile.

He felt warm though. Holding hands wasn't that bad but it's just the fact he was holdings hands with this annoying guy.

After Tsukasa was done dragging him, they were at karaoke? What?

"Akito, let's sing together! I'll sing your songs and you'll sing my songs! It'll be the perfect bonding moment between us! Ha ha ha! What an amazing senior I am!"

"Sure you are" Akito let out a deep sigh. Looks like he would have to sing all those happy songs this guy sang.

Tsukasa led him over to a booth and sat down. "You will sing Tondemo Wonderz!"

"Tondemo what." Before he could even say anything, the song started to play. He was embarrassed to admit he knew the songs because he started to actually sing along. Tsukasa seemed greatly pleased. For some reason, Akito felt a weird pang in his heart. It was nice making him happy.

No no no...what are you saying shinonome?

It was nice making people happy. He just feels nice because he made someone happy not because it was Tsukasa specifically..so technically it all cancels out and he doesn't feel happy at all. He's supposed to be annoyed.

Before he knew it, the song was over and Tsukasa gave him the most dramatic applause ever. He was always so nice and supportive. NO! He was but he was annoying so it doesn't matter.

Akito sighs. "So you want to sing one of my songs..? Do you know any of mine?"

Tsukasa laughs. "Of course I do! I support all of my underclassmen! I've been to every single live show I can go to."

Damnit...why did that make him feel so warm...
"Oh, thank you for supporting us I guess."
Wait what was he talking about...maybe he was planning something and that Rui was involved too..geh. He couldn't fall for this.

"So..how does Cinema sound?"

"Of course! Any song ever, I can do it! As the greatest star in the world, I should sing different genres to open my mind to it! A star should be able to do anything-"

"Yeah yeah, get on with it."

Tsukasa began singing. For some reason Akito couldn't understand, he felt his lips curl into a smile. Tsukasa really did sing good.

He didn't even notice it but he was staring at Tsukasa sing his songs until it was about 5 of them by now. Akito was in a trance by how well Tsukasa could sing. However, the two were interrupted. Apparently they had exceeded their time. They both exited while Akito realized what just happened. No..this didn't mean anything. He just liked his own songs. Right..and when he heard them being sung by someone else, it just was different. Okay. Yeah.

"Thank you Akito! May I ask which one of those songs was your favorite?"

"Oh, I guess kashika is my favorite at the moment.. why-" Akito began to ask but Tsukasa had immediately started speaking again.

"Come to our show next Saturday Akito."

"I..why-" he tried to ask again but Tsukasa had already ran off. Geh. This guy was such a weirdo.



He showed up


He himself doesn't know.

Akito sat down in the seats and was greatly surprised to see Kohane there? He turned to Kohane and Kohane looked at him. They shared eye contact for five whole seconds before looking away.

"Why is he here?"
"Why the hell is she here?

The show began and it was pretty well done show. Akito was impressed. This group of theatre weirdos knew what they were doing and they did it well. Tsukasa went up at the center of the stage. He was basically Toya if he was a badass punk. Akito couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle at the thought, wondering if Tsukasa thought of this.

"I'll sing my own song!" Tsukasa declared..and started singing Akito's damn favorite song.

Right there. In the middle of a show

He felt slightly embarrassed. Kohane's eyes were on him at this point, wondering if that was the reason he was here.

It was kind of sweet in a way. No, it wasn't it was without his permission and-
Akito's thoughts were interrupted when Tsukasa's eyes landed on him. He gave him a smile and a wink as he continued singing.

...why did he do that?

Akito's ears were red now, a common thing to happen whenever he felt like this.

No this was really sweet, Tsukasa didn't have any bad intentions. This was sweet. Damn it why is he so sweet?!

The song ended and the show continued on like normal but Akito felt a small fluttering remaining in his chest all the way to the end of the show. He didn't even acknowledge Kohane as he went directly to see Tsukasa.

"Oh! Akito, how did you like the surprise? Fitting for a star to be so generous right?"

Akito for once smiled at him. "This was great, thank you Tsukasa." His voice, notably softer as he spoke, surprised Tsukasa.

"That's great! You should come to another one of our shows again, yeah?" Tsukasa beamed at him.


Just like that, Akito walked away, feeling satisfied, but utterly confused on why. After all...
Tsukasa..was an idiot.

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935 words


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