☁️Sakiairiemu - Best Beach Day!

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This is major cutie fluffy...prepare yourself. This is a gift for my friend renananananananan
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"We should all hang out together sometime."

"Oh! I know! How about we go to the beach?"

"Wonderhoy!! The beach!! I love the little fishies!"

"Hehe, how very like you Emu."

. . .

The trio was at the beach. Saki was building a sand castle and she had built a little pool. Airi was watching while tanning in the sun. Emu came over with a splashing bucket and poured in the waters with the poor fish inside. When Saki and Emu were done with their sand castle they fist bumped. Airi chuckled, amused by their clear enjoyment. She got up from her spot and stretched.

"Well girls, how does a game of beach volleyball sound?" Airi gave them a smile.

"Oh! Sounds fun!" Saki clapped her hands in excitement.

Emu was already running to grab the beach ball.

"Well Saki, I guess you're with me!" Airi winked playfully. It was like Saki's entire face lit up.

"Oh wow...I get to be on the same team with the Airi Momoi!"

"Awh come on now Saki." Airi couldn't even keep a straight face at her clear excitement. Emu had arrived back with the beach ball and Saki and Airi got in place.

It was a friendly game at first, they were all laughing and giggling, but soon Airi got a little competitive. Saki wasn't even playing anymore, standing in the corner in awe as Airi tried her absolute best to beat Emu. It was like Emu's energy never ended, the perfect match. Emu hit the ball and it bounced on Airi's head. Airi stood there in shock. "Eh?!"

She didn't even process what happened as Saki and Emu were giggling. Airi had missed and lost the heated battle between her and the pink-haired ball of energy.

"Saki did you see that? Me and Airi were like whip woosh and bam bam boing!"

Saki nodded a couple of times vigorously in her  uncontainable amazement, "Yeah! You two were awesoooome!"

"Ha! Good game Emu! You're better than I thought! But man, I am so hot now..." Airi fanned herself.

"Maaan...it's soo hoot outside." Saki wiped the sweat off her forehead.

Just then, like they were heard by the universe, the sounds of an ice cream truck got louder.

Emu grabbed onto Airi's arm, jumping up and down in excitement. "Ice cream! Ice cream!"

Saki proceeded to grab Airi's other arm and tugged it. "Oh lady Airi, can we pleeeaasseee have some ice cream? Pleasseee?"

"Pleaaassee?" They both said in unison with their puppy eyes.

Airi's willpower had just faltered at that, "Sheesh! Okay! Okay! I'll get you two ice cream." Airi rolled her eyes in mock annoyance as she started walking to the ice cream truck.

"Yay! Ice cream! Wonderhoy!!"

"Thank you lady Airi! Thank you!"

Airi pointed at the ice cream. She already knew Saki wanted strawberry and Emu wanted cotton candy. She herself wanted the raspberry. As she went to pay, she had realized she only had brought enough money for two ice creams.

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