🌺I believe in you🌺

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"24th of May, He is a Gemini." Mahika push down her spectacles and finally face the video call. "Geminis are not that bad you know, its just- wait is that a flower in your hair?" She narrows her eyes and comes closer to the screen. "Spill. Now!" 

I almost throw up the litchi juice I was having right now and it got me on a chokehold. "Nothing much, I don't remember when he placed it in my hair." I couldn't even ignore her smirking face but she still try to play it cool. 

"He just got this dual personality. Maybe whatever he said is true? He just choose not to work with anyone." She is right because other than work he is having a cheerful personality. But it is the other one I get to deal with. She notice the soreness on my face and continues. "Well you just have to be cool around him. Be yourself, you are a very friendly person." I take a deep breath at those words.

"He would never tell me why he choose to push everyone away." I trace my wrist remembering how he held my hand today to dance with me. "Would it be a bad idea to text his father?" 

She glared at the screen and blinked. "When he clearly told you not to do it?" She thought for a while and then smirked. "I think you should." We both laughed it out. "I have to bake some cookies so make sure to update me, okay?" I nodded and sent her a flying kiss that she cached and we hung up the call. 

I texted Mehra Uncle about this situation.

What is the worse that could happen right?

Next day

**Samar's Cabin**

I was wrong! So so wrong! Samar is sitting right in front of me with a stern face I never saw before. I already question my life choices while I sit tapping my legs aggressively which he noticed. 

"Explain." He removed his glasses, folding his arms standing in front of me. "When I politely told you yesterday, I am not interested to join you people then why would you drag my family into this?"

"I just-"

"This is so fucking unprofessional." He rubs his forehead throwing his phone on the table and I noticed that large paragraph that Mehra uncle apparently sent him. 

I stand too and my height still reach a little above his chest. He looks so tall and intimidating. 

"I am wrong but you need to understand that if you refuse to work in every project that needs a team then you would be a loner in this Industry." I muster up enough courage to speak further. "Samar, you are a great photographer but you are not a God." 

His eyebrows raised upwards and he scoffed.

"Just look at how people talk about you on the internet! They call you rude, egoistic and full of himself! You work so hard yet they mock you because of your father's wealth. The staff calls your cabin The devil's nightmare." My heartbeat rush so loud at this point that I might die.

I have seen Samar from such a long time but known him just yesterday. It is weird how it feels like I have known him forever. He has always been Mehra Uncle's son to me who worked in the same building as mine but just in one day he became Samar who is born in the month of May , has gorgeous eyes and undying love to capture the world from his lens. Everything said on the internet suddenly made me mad and I wish his work was more respected.

"And you suddenly care what people say about me?" He laughs, his honey eyes turning into a shade of dark brown. "Don't fool me Adhira, I know perfectly well that you are using me for your promotion." I find myself at loss of words. He thinks he won the debate and turn his back behind me but I held his hand and turned him back to face me, our eyes lock into each other.

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