5: Where Everything Changes

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It took them a while before the adoption papers were ready. Yunho was feeling extremely excited today, guess why?

"Finally, we can pick the kids up today." Mingi smiles widely, parking the car right infront of the adoption center.

"I'm so overwhelmed right now, you have no idea." he couldn't sit properly without trembling in excitement.

Mingi holds his hands gently in his, stroking them while the other was gripping the steering wheel. "It was about time, don't you think?"

"Right, I'm so excited to see them again." he flashed him a wide smile.

They've met the kids they wanted to adopt beforehand countless time, visiting them after work so they could get a little used to them being around. Sofia is almost 5 years old and Sam was still 8 months old.

Sofia was the first one to approach them when they first came by the adoption center. Tugging on Mingi's pants asking why he was dressed so neatly, from there the younger knew he would get along with her. In which they surprisingly did, she would always ask for him and would get extremely happy when he comes by to visit.

Yunho on the other hand found Sam, chewing on his car toy with his apple hair on the playground. When the baby first glanced at him, he was rather surprised to see such a tall male in his life which had him crawling on his stomach to touch Yunho's feet.

And that was pretty much how they ended up deciding to adopt them both. The more the merrier, said Mingi.

The couple spent most of their free time setting up the children's room and Mingi had already spoiled them with many toys and expensive stuff like clothes. Yunho even had to argue his way to convince Mingi to not buy their entire clothes off designer clothes. In which he might not have obeyed, maybe filling half the closet with designer clothes. Like Mingi himself mentioned, money is not a big deal to him since he has a lot of it.

Though they do have to minimize spoiling the kids too much and it was safe to say that Mingi would follow. He had to learn how to say no to some things.

"Are you ready to go?" Mingi asks.

"Never been ready."

By the time they entered the building, the kids were already waiting for them to arrive with security guards beside them. Without wasting a second Sofia ran to hug their legs while screaming their names, "Mini! Yuyu!"

Yunho swore he got emotional. Tears building up in his eyes he picked her up for a hug, "Hi there kiddo."

Mingi joins them for a hug, suddenly kissing Sofia's cheek. "Are you excited to come home with us?"

"She hasn't slept since yesterday after I told her that you guys were adopting her." the lady who helped them with the papers says, carrying Sam in her arms who looked like he wanted to be part of the hug.

The older chuckles before handing Sofia to Mingi, "I'm no different from her." he walks up to the baby, watching how excitement swirled in his big round eyes. Sam raised his arms in the air, impatiently waiting for Yunho to pick him up. He laughs at his cuteness, bending down so he could pick him up in his own arms.

Mingi stood beside him, "Now, who wants to go home?"

"This is your home?" Sofia says in awe. Clinging on to Yunho's long finger with her head held up high, staring at the high ceiling that had a large chandelier with her big round eyes.

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