6: How Quick Time Flies

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"Yuyu.." Sofia whispers directly to Yunho's ear who was sleeping at the other side of the bed which was towards the window. He feels small hands shaking his body to waks him up.

Yunho quietly gasped in horror, petrified to see Sofia by the edge of the bed trying to wake him. "Christ- Sofia, you scared me." he held his beating heart to calm himself down. He glanced at the clock to see that it was 2:34 in the morning.

The door was wide open. Him and Mingi purposely leave the door slightly open at night incase a thunderstorm was coming by so Sofia could sleep in the bed with them. But now that it wasn't raining, she had a different reason to be awake.

"I'm hungry.." she embarrassedly whispered to him. Holding her fluffy blanket in her hand while the other was carrying her penguin stuffed toy that San personally made her.

Yunho sat up on the bed, careful to not wake Mingi up who was snoring loudly as usual beside him. Poor man was tired from work, "I'm not surprised, you ate a little amount of food earlier. What do you want to eat?"

The taller stood up as Sofia tugged on his sleeping pants, "Do we still have the pasta from yesterday?" she innocently asked making Yunho smile.

"Of course we do." he took her little hand in his, "Do you want me to heat it up for you?"

She immediately nodded, those big round eyes of hers looking up at him.

"Okay let's go downstairs, I think I could eat some too. But be quiet, we don't want to wake up your other Dad." Yunho giggled, glancing over at Mingi who was sleeping like a rock.

Sofia quietly laughed before following Yunho down the stairs to the kitchen. He made her sit on the counter as he started to heat up the pasta she requested.

"Do you want to watch something while I heat the food?" he asks without glancing at her, taking the pasta that was stored inside the fridge.

Sofia tends to get bored easily, she was more the social and explorer type. Always discovering new things and keeping her busy, "Harry Potter-"

"Harry Potter?" they both said at the same time as they looked at each other before laughing, "The third movie?"

"Yes please!" she excitedly says.

Yunho places down the stored food before picking her up from the counter, walking them to the living room and sitting her down on the wide comfortable couch. He turns on the tv before switching to watch Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, which was her all time favorite movie when they binged all the movies series together with Mingi and Sam.

Sofia was already in to the movie, fully concentrated as you almost can't get a word out of her or grab her attention. Yunho knew it would leave him enough time to heat up the food. With a yawn, he walks back to kitchen as the movie played the perfect background noise for him.

It had been a few weeks now since they've adopted the kids. They were still warming up to them which was understandable but everyday their bond continues to thrive the more they spend time together. Splitting your time with work and taking care of the kids was a little difficult which Yunho acknowledged beforehand, but it was still nice coming home to two kids who were always excited to spend some time and rest with you. Adopting them was probably the best decision they ever made in their life, this goes for both him and Mingi.

After a while, Yunho was finally done heating up the pasta and neatly plated it on top of Sofia's plate. He took some fresh peaches and grapes to slice and a glass of milk before bringing it to the living room.

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