8: Who Are You?

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As much as he wanted to get at the bottom of this, he knew he couldn't force their siblings to tell him the truth. Of course he cares for his sister but situations like this, it was better if they are the ones who bring it up first. Not you. You don't know anything and most likely have no right to put words in to their mouths.

The thought of his younger sister suffering on her own was keeping Mingi awake. His husband sleeping peacefully beside him while he was unable to just drift to sleep knowing what stunt she pulled earlier.

It was around 1 o'clock in the morning when his phone started ringing from the table in the room. He jumped off the bed, walking over to stare at the caller's id while frowning.

Seonghwa? Why is he calling me at 1am?

He swiped to answer before placing it on his ear. Hearing water running in the background along with small sobs, this confused him even more. "Seonghwa? It's 1am why are you-"

"Mingi, your sister is here with me. Please drive to my house this instant." the older caught him off guard.

"Minji?" his heart dropped, hoping she'd hear the worried tone in his voice from the phone. "Is she alright? Please tell me she's alright."

"She is but you have to come fast." the older pleaded.

"It's alright.. you'll be fine.." Hongjoong says on the other line, probably calming down Minji.

"Seonghwa what's going on?"

"You'll find out when you're here."

"Where is she?" Mingi arrived faster than the speed of light, heart beating rapidly as Hongjoong opened the front door for him.

Hongjoong steps aside to let him in as he led Mingi to where she is, "She's in our bathroom, don't worry she's fine.."

"Since when is she here?"

"About 30 minutes ago, she knew Seonghwa was a nurse so she came here for some help." his lips pressed to a thin line.

Once they stood in front of the bathroom door, he could clearly hear Minji's quiet sobs with Seonghwa murmuring to her. Goosebumps broke throughout his body the moment Hongjoong opened the door. Petrified to see his sister crying her heart out on the tiled floor and Seonghwa crouching next to her.

Minji's head shot up from the sound of the door opening, now crying harder to see her older brother standing infront of it. "Mingi.."

"Minji what's going on? What's wrong?" he sprinted to her, Minji meeting him halfway to pull him in for a very tight hug.

"I'm so sorry.." she repeatedly whispers to him, her voice showed that she was scared. Very scared.

Seonghwa walked towards them, "We'll leave you two alone to discuss it.." he patted his shoulder.

"Discuss what?" before he could even receive an answer, the couple had already left them alone in the bathroom with the doors closed.

Silence followed.

"Why didn't you call me?"

Minji didn't seem to be calming down, "I'm so sorry.."

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