15: Farewell, My Love

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It was Saturday evening, midnight was only a few minutes away. While Mingi was already sleeping upstairs in their once shared bedroom, he took the time to pack all of his clothes and belongings including the kids'. He was now sitting by the diner table, writing a farewell letter to Mingi, writing everything he couldn't say to him.

To my dear love, Mingi

If you're reading this, I probably left. I know our situation hasn't been the best and hasn't improved ever since, I'm sorry I failed to regain your memories of me. But that won't be a problem anymore. I'm moving away to another country to heal, please don't look for me. The kids will be coming with me as well, I can't leave them. You might wonder why I can't leave them but I can leave you. That's because you aren't the Mingi I once knew and loved, you said it yourself. I couldn't look at you the same anymore because it was true. As much as it hurts me I can't be with someone who doesn't want me around, I burned the divorcement papers. I never planned on signing them anyways. Just know that I loved you and always will no matter what, but this is just too heavy for my fragile heart. I hate everything, the way you changed. Baby you were so gentle with me when you woke up in the hospital, what happened? Why are you so cold and arrogant to me? Please don't bother to call me, unless you finally remember me. I will be out of reach, don't know for how long but just know that once I'm fully healed. I will come back. I shall return the second you remember who I am. I will never forget our wedding night when we danced alone, when we went surfing and you were jealous because another guy was hitting on me, when I was too shy to bring up the topic of adopting kids because I didn't think you were ready for one yet, when we picked up Sam and Sofia from the adoption center, to waking up every morning by your side and cuddling to sleep every night, eating breakfast, lunch and dinner together with the kids. I miss those beautiful moments so much. You have no idea how I hate leaving everything behind, leaving you behind while I take the kids with me. I can't say I wasn't hurt by your words and actions towards me because I was, I was so hurt you wouldn't understand. But the old Mingi would. But since you're not him, I don't have a valid reason to stay with you but also don't have a reason to divorce you. You were the one who brought it up when I believed everything was fine, I'm sorry but I'm going to be selfish this time. I won't ever divorce you. Please take care of yourself while I'm gone, know that I won't ever stop loving you until my last breath.

From your once loved one,

He wiped the tears off of his face as he puts down the pen and left the letter on the table. His phone ringing right after, it was Gunho.

"Hey, we're outside." he says on the other line.

"We'll have to drive by Seonghwa's house, I already called him."

"Does he know?"

"Yes, I couldn't hide it from him."

"Okay, are you ready?"

Yunho sighs and just answered with a silent yes before hanging up the phone call. He stares at the two large luggages filled with belongings by the front door. Feet walking towards it, he took his coat and made his way outside. Leaving the spare house and car key and where the handwritten letter was. A black car parked right outside their porch, watching how Gunho stepped out of it.

"Where's Minji?" was the first thing he asked.

"She just called, said she was at Seonghwa's because she wanted to say good bye before you leave." the younger answered with a small smile.

"God she's too precious."

"Are you really moving away?" Gunho asked, everyone else standing outside Seonghwa's house after Yunho picked up the kids.

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