2: Private Nights

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"A cruise ship?" Yunho looks at Mingi as they stepped out the car that picked them up from the airport.

Mingi opened the door for him, "Yeah, you don't like it? It will take us directly to the islands."

"It's not like I don't like it, I've never been on a cruise before." Yunho steps out the car.

"Then this will be your first one." he smiles, "And probably your best one."

Yunho playfully rolled his eyes at Mingi's pride, "I love your ego."

Just then the car started to drive off. Going to where the other vehicles are lining up.

"What about our stuff?" Yunho stared at the car.

"The chauffeur will board the car inside the cruise ship." Mingi snakes his arm around his waist, pulling him closer. "He won't come with us to the island."

"You rented the car?" Yunho looked back at him, ignoring the grip around his waist.

"Ofcourse, I had to or we can't stroll around the city."

Yunho's eyes wandered around, watching other people board the massive ship. "Shouldn't we board aswell?"

"Give me a kiss first." he pouted his lips.

"Do you like it here?" Mingi approaches Yunho who was leaning over the railings outside their room.

The older turns his head, the strong wind played with Mingi's fluffy hair. Showing his entire forehead. He smiles to himself until Mingi was right behind him, his chest against Yunho's shoulder.

"Like is an understatement." Yunho smiles.

The cruise ship has been going for about an hour and a half now, from afar Yunho could already see the city lights of the island. A tropical island for their honeymoon destination was their idea since both of them wanted to swim at the beach and now that it was summer was the right choice.

He hears a subtle chuckle from behind or should he say right in his ear. Mingi's buff chest pressed right against his back with him trapping Yunho where he was, both of his arms on the railings.

"I heard we're close to the island." Mingi whispers, sending the hair at the back of Yunho's neck to rise.

"You can already see the city lights in the distance." he mentions.

Mingi smiles to himself, "Are you nervous?"

"What?" Yunho blinked.

"I said are you nervous?" he repeated.

"No? Why would you think that?"

"You can't even turn around to face me."

"Said who-" Yunho turns around and Mingi immediately catched his waist with both hands, pulling him closer to his body.

"Got you." Mingi smirks.

Yunho was dumbfounded. The other yet again successfully made him flustered.

"You're blushing."

"Would be weird if I didn't, right?" he laughs it off.

Mingi didn't say anything. He continued to stare at Yunho with sparkles in his eyes. The other knew what he wanted. But he wasn't going to give it to him just yet.

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