Chp. 4

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*Disclaimer: the music lyrics in this chapter I do not own. They are 2 songs I'm currently obsessed with 'the Hanging tree' and 'Zombie by The Pretty Reckless'

Dinner was quiet aside from the clinking on our plates. Gerard and Mikey watched every move I make, I can feel their eyes burning into me.i never wanted to hide so badly in my life. I was relieved when dinner was over and I tried to retreat back to my room and get away from everyone. Ma and Pa called me back down to the living room when they noticed that was almost upstairs. Inwardly, I sighed and walked back down the stairs and sat down in the only available spot.... the floor, in front of everyone. The rest of the night consisted of Gerard and Mikey asking me questions about my life and I answered every single question that they could possibly ask a person.

"OK, one more question... well more like a request.... sing something for us, please." Gerard said to me.

"Yea, sing us something." Everyone chorus.

Reluctantly I nodded my head.
Quickly going through a Playlist in my head and chose one that I was currently obsessed with.... "The Hanging Tree". I hope they like it. I opened my mouth and began to sing.
(A/n: I was gonna type the lyrics to the song, but I decided not to. If you kno the song GREAT! If not it's on YouTube) I looked arount the room as the song ended, not wanting to look at them. I intentionally didn't sing my best on purpose cuz I just wanted to go to my room and go to sleep. Everyone in the room liked my voice except Gerard and Mikey *who would of figured**rolls eyes* at this point I don't expect them to "love" me.

"How could you of liked my voice... I purposely did my worst so that I can leave!" I said shocked that they like it.

"One More!" Frankie jumped up and ran out of the room just to run back in with a acoustic guitar and practically shoved it in my hands. I looked at him as he sat down with his elbows on his knees and his chin rested on his hands.

"What makes you think that I even want to play guitar right now?" I said a little too harsh than I intended.

"Well, can you?" Frank simply asked.

"I guess..." I was abruptly cut off by the over active Frank.

"OK play something original." Frank requested.

I glanced around the room at everyone else Ray, ma, and pa all nodded encouraging me to play, but my brother's seem to think differently... they don't want me to play for them.

"Not now, I just want to go to sleep." I shook my head.

"Awwe Doll, please play for us please, please, please....." Frank continued saying 'please'. I look to Ray, ma and pa for help, but they all smiled at me.

"Please Lexi, play something for us, sweetheart." Ma said to me.

Reluctantly, again, I nodded my head and Ray brought in a stool for me to sit on. So I sat down and propped the acoustic guitar on my lap and began to strum.

"This one is called Zombie." I introduced my song.

(A/n: I do not own this song but I love it.)

"I'm not listening to you
I am wondering right through
With no purpose and no drive
Cause in the end were all alive

Two thousand years I've been awake
Waiting for the day to shake..."

I strummed a bit harder.

"Dear all of you who wronged me
I am, I am a zombie
Again, again you want me to
Fall on my head.
I am, I am a zombie
How low, how low, how low
Will you push me
To go, to go, to go
Before I lie,
Lie down dead...

Blow the smoke right off the tube
Kiss my gentle burning bruse...
I'm lost in time...

And to all the people left behind
You are walking dumb and blind,

And two thousand years I've been awake
Waiting for the day to shake...

Dear all of you who wronged me
I am, I am a zombie
Again, again you want me to
Fall on my head.
I am, I am a zombie
How low, how low, how low
Will you push me
To go, to go, to go,
Before I lie,
Lie down dead."

I strummed harder putting more emotion into my song.

"I'm dead... I'm dead.....I'm dead."

Strumming harder now putting as much of myself into the last bit of my song.

"Dear all of you who wronged me
I am, I am a zombie
Again, again you want me to
Fall on my HEAD!
I am, I am a zombie
How low, how low, how low
Will you push me
To go, to go, to go
Before I lie,
Lie down dead."

I looked up at everyone as I finished playing my song. Mixed emotions played on their faces almost like they didn't know what to make of this sing. So I swiftly got up and set the guitar down next to the stool and walked upstairs to my room before anyone had a chance to call me back down. Making it to my room finally without interruptions, I closed and locked me door.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter it was sorta a filler to move the plot along. Next one will be up soon.
As always I do enjoy reading comments and such :)

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