Chp. 18 Party Time!

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Sorry that this part took a bit to publish.


Frank ran throughout the house excited for his birthday party. There wasn't enough space here to have his party so the guys rented out a hotel party room for this little event. I do have to admit that I'm excited for this party as well. We all are getting dressed in our Halloween costumes.

•Gerard is going as a Flame Demon.
•Mikey is going as Spider-Man.... (I've never seen Spider-Man with awkward knees, but this is will be fun to see)
•Ray is going as a Jeeper Creeper (sick ass horror movie, if you've never seen it... I recommend that you do)
•Frank is going as a creepy Jester
•CC is going as a Werewolf Hybrid from Underworld
•Jinxx is going as a Black and White Madhatter
•Jake is going as The Terminator.... hasta Lavista baby (I bet you said that in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice, hehe)
•Ashley is going as a Sexy Cowboy (Purrs 😻)
•Andy is going as Batman
•Lexi is going as.......Cat woman (I did take everyone's votes into consideration, but I already knew that I wanted her to be Cat woman. Leather outfit, whip and belts....pretty much how BVB looks in this story. Beside if you ever knew Batmans and Cat woman's history they were in love with eachother.)
•mom and dad are going as Harley Quinn and Joker


Now in the party room of the Hotel, a ton of people came for Frank's birthday. Bands like MIW, FIR, SP, GC, the Used, and some family members. The party was in full swing and I got to meet all of their friends and they were all very sweet and nice...... a few of them were a bit perverted, lol.

"Meow, sexy Catwoman." Ashley smirked as I stood next to Andy.

"Pervy Purdy, no touchy..." Andy said pulling me into a protective embrace.

Andy led me away from Ashley who decided to go as a Sexy Cowboy. He introduced me to all his friends. Everyone's costumes were great for this party, but I did notice that the present table was a bit large for just Frank.

As the evening went on, everyone was having a lot of fun there was dancing, singing, someone spiked the punch bowl..... although Andy made sure that I stayed away from that bowl.


"Welcome everyone tonight to MY BIRTHDAY!!!! Whooo hooo!!" Frank shouted into a microphone. Making the crowd of guests cheer for Frankie. "Tonight is special... tonight we are celebrating 2 birthdays...mine and my friend Lexi!!!!" Frank shouted.

I felt a blinding heat of attention suddenly on me. I attempted to hide behind Andy, but I was suddenly picked up and carried over to Frankie. Once I was standing next to him I tried hiding behind him, but he kept me next to him holding me next to his side. To be honest right now, I have stage fright and being up here is scaring me.

•the bday cake~Skipping ahead~ (Sorry, I have no ideas for this chapter :'( )

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•the bday cake
~Skipping ahead~
(Sorry, I have no ideas for this chapter :'( )

The party started dying down quite a bit and I was so exhausted I am so ready to lay down and go to sleep.

"Hey Lexi, how would you like to go on tour with us?" Gerard asked me as we all ate some cake.

"Really?! Who are you touring with?" I asked really intrigued about going on tour with my brothers.

"BVB will be there, MIW, New Years Day and a few more bands.... I think Andy's ex's band will be there too....I can't remember their name, but it'll be a blast!" Gerard said. I couldn't help but feel excited that I get to go on tour with my brother and my boyfriend band.

"Yea, it sounds like fun!!!" I smiled accepting the invite.

Gerard gave me the details that I guess I needed. I was staying on MCR's bus though and I will be with them though out winter break. So for only like 3 weeks and fly back for when school starts again after the new year.

Frank was still jumping around like the energizer bunny on speed, lol. I got to open my gifts from everyone, I loved everything I got... especially my brand new acoustic guitar. I could wait to play it when I get back home. All the guys look like their having a great time drinking and playing some games. Andy pulled me aside and we snuck out of the party room and swiftly made out way up to his hotel room.....

To be honest everyone, I've had major writers block and had no ideas for this chapter.

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