chp 10

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I want to give a shout out to some really awesome readers


Thank you for reading this fanfic, thank you for the awesome convos, votes and idea's.

The next morning there was a knock at the door. Ray answered the door and greeted Andy, CC, Ashley, Jinxx and Jake letting them into the house.
"Hey guys, how's it goin'?" Gerard greeted BVB.
"Great man." Andy replied.
"Were good, where's Lexi?" CC asks.
"She's in her room, probably still asleep." Gerard answered.

~☆~ Lexi's pov ~☆~
I woke up to the guys talking loudly. I shifted in my bed to sit up, but abruptly halted, a terrible pain shot through my thigh nearly bringing me to tears. I layed back down and another pain shot through me. My entire body aches from the fight yesterday. Deciding now that I should stay still isn't the best decision to come to.... I have to pee....badly! I need to try to get out of my bed myself, this is gonna hurt and my medicine is downstairs. I could cry right about now, but I wont. I need to do this on my own. Slowly and gently I scooted out if my bed, propping myself up with my crutches and hopped over to the bathroom, that alone almost made me burst into tears the pain was so bad. I did my business as quick as possible before going back into my room to change out of my clothes I slept in. I pulled on a pair of shorts and a black fitted shirt that has 3 vampire frogs on it with a caption "Blood-wise-err" under the frogs. (My sister actually has this shirt it was one of her favorites) I threw my hair up in a ponytail and some eyeliner before I dared to leave my room. Slowly making my way to the stair. I heard talking as I approached the stairs.
"So what shall we do today." Someone asked. It sounded like it was CC who asked the question.
"We'll we were thinking about going to the music shop. Ray needs some guitar strings, Frank wants to look at guitar straps and picks same as Mikey." Gerard said to our guests.
"Awesome, sounds like a plan" Andy agreed.
Each step I took was painful and the guys wanted to go out... I don't think I can handle that. As I rounded the corner, all conversations stopped and I can literally feel everyone watching me as I hopped down the stairs one step at a time, very slowly. I didn't say anything to anyone as I made my way to the kitchen to get my medicine and coffee.

After a few minutes alone, all the guys came into the kitchen as I sat down to drink my coffee.
"How are you feeling today, Lexi?" Ray asked me.
I contemplated on what I should tell them. I didn't want them to know that I'm in a lot of pain and all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out. I can't let them know how bad my leg is now. They all have plans for today and I can't ruin that. So I said.
"I'm ok." I gave them a pain filled smile.
"Are you sure, Dolly?" Frank asked me.
"Yea, are you sure? The shot the doctor gave you would have worn off by now do you need to let us know if your hurting." Ray said to me.
"I swear I'm ok." I said to them.
"You promise." Said Frank.
"I'm not going to quote your fucking song." I glared at them. "But yes, I'm fine, I just took some medicine." Some of the guys laughed.
"Were all going to the music shop in a bit, you can come with, if you want to, but if your still hurting one of us will stay here with you." Gerard said to me. I nodded and said that I'll be fine.

An hour later we all walked into the music shop and everyone split up to do their own thing and I went to look around and I ended up by the acoustic guitars. I need a new guitar now that my old one is smashed into pieces. I stood there looking at each guitar.... my eyes spotted an acoustic guitar that was outlined black and faded into purple and it was perched on a stand like it was waiting for me to play it.
I gladly walked over to it and picked it up. Sitting down on a bench with the guitar propped up on my legs, I strummed a few cords to make sure it was tuned. Thankfully it was. It sounded so beautiful and I started to strum, playing the first song I learned how to play on acoustic. Heart-shaped Box by Nirvana.

"She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-shaped Box for weeks,
I've been drawn into you magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice. (2x)
Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
Cut myself on angels hair and baby's breath
Broken hymen of your highness I'm left black
Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back.
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice (2x)
She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-shaped box for weeks
I been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn back.
Hey! Wait!
I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice (2x)
Your advice (3x)"

I strummed the last cord and let out a sigh.
"Lexi that was really good!" A voice said behind me.
Startled, I turned to see Andy standing in the doorway of the small room. He was leaning against the door frame. I don't think I've ever seen a man more beautiful than him at this moment.
"Lex, your voice is so amazing." He gushed. "I absolutely love it, can you play another for me.?" Andy asked me.
I nodded and patted the bench inviting him to sit next to me. A moment later he joined me on the bench and gave me his handsome charming smile. I then started to strum my next song that I played for my brothers that first night we met. Zombie. I didn't look up at him the whole time I was playing the song, because I knew if I looked up at Andy once.... I'd mess up and be udderly embarrassed by a simple mistake. So I kept my head down and concentrated on playing.

Andy pulled me into a hug when I finished playing and singing.
"That's amazing Lexi." Andy smiled down at me.
"Thnx Andy." I smiled back.
"Your welcome sweetie.... so do you like that guitar?" Andy asked me.
"No I don't like this guitar at all..... I love this guitar.... see its purple and black, 2 of my favorite colors. Yes I love this guitar. " I grinned like the Cheshire cat.
"Hahaha, yea it's an awesome guitar and I saw your other guitar. .. the one that was smashed, I'm so sorry that happened, Lexi." Andy sympathized.
"I know, thnx Andy."
"So how long have you been playing guitar? " Andy asked me.
"Since I learned how to walk.... really." I smiled. "My dad would sit me down each day showing me new cords and by weeks end I would play a whole song. My parents are rockers at heart, they loved music so much. They would take me to rock concerts all the time, they saw it as 'Music-cation'. They wanted to educate me on their different styles and techniques. My parents got me Charlie (my guitar) on my 13th birthday. My dad was gonna teach me the electric guitar next, but I only got a couple of lessons before my parents died... they were good parents... t-they didn't deserve to die." I started to cry, tears ran down my cheeks as I talked about my mom and dad. I missed them so much.
"I know it's painful to talk about Lexi, but talking about them will help heal that wound." Andy comforted me. "Besides your friend Jeremy, who else helped you cope with your loss?" Andy asked me. I looked up at him.
"Music helped me the most, mostly your band and MCR'S, your guy's music helped me alot more in the last 2 years, than any therapist could ever help me." I confessed to Andy. "You guys kept me alive, you guys kept me from doing things that I'd regret, so... thank you."
"Your welcome sweet pea, we're glad that we can be there in that dredful time of need." Andy stood up to put the guitar back on its display stand and helped me up only to pick me up giving g me a big comfortinghug. His arms wrapped around my small waist and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders..... yes I'm a full 2 feet off the ground, practically dangling in Andy's embrace. Andy just held me for the longest time, not that I'm complaining or anything... cuz im not, but it felt so good to be held in someone's arms longer than 2 seconds.
"This feels good." I whispered.
"Keep holding on, we're all here for you and we'll protect you, I promise." Andy kissed my cheek.
"Thnx Andy."
"Any time sweetie."
A few minutes later all the guys walked into the acoustic room talking, but suddenly stopped all convos when they saw me and Andy hugging. Then they all crossed the room joining in on a group hug, which made me giggle. They all let go after a few minutes, but Andy still held me.
"That's the longest hug I've ever had in my life." I smiled.
"Look at you Lexi, your not a midget now." CC joked.
"Ohh I know... you know from way up here you all look like little ants." Lol I kno I quoted 'a bugs life' (I love that movie). We laughed and I looked at Andy. "How can you stand being so tall?!? It's so high up here!"

Thnx for reading Xoxo

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