chp 5

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The next morning I exited my room wearing my school uniform and my acoustic guitar in its case... I have music class today and I was required to bring the instrument that I will be playing for the rest of the year. I sat my stuff down by the door so that I can grab it on my way out. I walked back to the kitchen to get a coffee and a poptart for breakfast. I had to wait for the coffee to brew, after a few minutes of silence I heard a noise behind me. Startled, I turned around to see Gerard entering the kitchen.

*ok it's pretty early in the morning, why is he up?*

"Oh, morning Lexi, getting ready for school?" Gerard asked me.

"Yea. I'll be heading out as soon as I get some coffee to go." I nodded.

Gerard walked around the counter and stood next to me and we both waited for the coffee in silence together. It was awkward and uncomfortable, neither of us knew what to say to eachother.

"So umm....Lexi is that your acoustic guitar by the front door?" Gerard tries to make conversation.

"Yea it was a gift from my dad when I was 13." I said to him.

"How did your parents die?" Gerard asked curiously. I looked up at him.

"I'm just curious." He held his hands in defense. I sighed.

"We were visiting a friends house for a dinner party, at some point it rained, but we waited til the rain stopped to head home. My dad decided to take a shortcut home, but we had to pass by 'Dead Man's Drop'. And I don't know what had happened... the next thing I remember, our car falling into Dead Man's Drop and somehow I was thrown from the car and into a jumping cactus and the car going up in flames. I woke up in the hospital a few days later with minor burns and cactus needles all over my body. Later a police officer told me that my parents have died and I was going to be sent to a orphanage. I've been fostered a few times, but no family wanted to adopt me, til now." I said to Gerard.

I had prepared my coffee as I spoke. Gerard stayed silent and listened to me talk about my past.

"You believe that you should have died in that crash." Gerard said this as a statement than a question.

"Yea, that's right." I nodded. "I should've died 2 years ago." I walked around him to exit the kitchen.

"Lexi, don't guilt yourself for being alive, it's just going to tear you apart." Gerard said to me.

I stopped walking and looked up at him from the kitchen doorway.
"Too late... 2 years too late." I shook my head.

"Lexi..." Gerard started, but I interrupted him.

"I have to go or I'm going to be late for school." I said walking out of the kitchen and grabbed my stuff. I was almost out of the door when I heard Gerard say this.

"Me and Mikey don't like you, we Don want you here, we don't want you to be a part of our family!...."

I closed the door not wanting to hear him anymore. Gerard and Mikey hate me. Is this Karma? What did I ever do to deserve this? It's so unfair. I've looked up to them for years, MCR are my idols, they've kept me from ending my life for the last 2 years, they are everything to me and now 2 out of 4 hate me and wished I wasn't here. I now deeply regret being alive.......

Walking onto school campus, I tried to rush as fast as possible through the courtyard so that I can. Get to my locker and I really need to try to make it through the whole school day.

-▪-▪-back at the house-▪-▪-
5 minutes after Lexi left for school Frank, Ray and Mikey walked intothe kitchen and went straight for the coffee machine then came to the table where Gerard was currently sitting at.

"Gee, is everything ok? We heard yelling a little bit ago." Ray asked his friend.

"Yea, everything is fine." Gerard replied taking a drink from his coffee mug.

"Did Lexi already leave for school?" Frank asked.

"Yea like 10 minutes ago." Gerard said monotoned like he didn't want to talk about her.

"Gerard what's up?" Ray asked.

"I don't like Lexi.... at all." Gerard stated.

"Same here... I don't like her." Mikey stated too.

"Why? She's great, we like her! What's wrong with Lexi? What did she do to offend you two?" Frank was outraged.

"She feels guilty about being alive when she was supposed to have died with her parents. She's looking for attention here and everyone is giving her sympathy." Gerard said emotionless.

"What the fuck Gee." Frank was angry that his best friend would talk that way about an innocent lonely girl.

"I asked her how her parents died and she told me... hesitantly. And I said something that upset her." Gerard shrugged.

"You should apologize to her." Ray said sipping his coffee.

Adopted By The Ways (Gerard and Mikey Way)Where stories live. Discover now