chp. 14

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~☆~Lexi's pov~☆~
OMFG! Andy Biersack likes me and he kissed me! I'm in heaven.
Later I learned that Gerard and Mikey are transferring me to a new schook, which I was happy about. I wouldn't have to deal with these bullies anymore. Next week is when I start at my new school... the best thing about this school....NO UNIFORMS!!! I finally get to wear whatever tge hell I want to school! Whoo hoo finally!

~☆~FF a week~☆~
A few days ago my stitches were taken out and I can walk good without my crutches, I'm starting at my new school and me & Andy are officially dating. Gerard and Mikey didn't like it at first,but they came around when they saw us together and how happy I was, my brothers came up with some strict rules for us; nothing sexual til I'm of legal age, only kissing, hugging and cuddling, no sleeping in the same bed and no boys in my room and if he does go in my room the door has to stay open.

So today is my first day of school and I'm dressed in a fitted 'Dead Riding Hood' shirt, a black skirt and my converse shoes I even dyed my hair a few different colors (accessories & clothes seen in pic above). I grabbed my MCR backpack, my batman phone & headphones and I walked out of my room.
I walked into the kitchen and prepared my morning coffee. I set the coffee machine up to brew a whole pot cuz I kno that everyone loves coffee. The scent of coffee danced around the house tempting to wake everyone with its intoxicating smell. I just made my cup to go when I heard someone enter the kitchen, I turned to see Gerard stumble into the kitchen rubbing the sleep from his eyes still wearing his pajamas, a black shirt and skeleton pj pants.

"Morning Gee." I greeted him, taking a sip of my hot coffee.
"Morning Lexi, are you just bout ready for your first day of school?" Gerard yawned.
"Yup, I'm ready." I smiled.
"Try to make some friends at this school ok, Lexi."
"ok. New school, new start. I'll try to make the best of it."
"At a girl." Gerard patted my back and made himself a cup of coffee.

After we were done with our coffee Gerard drive me to school,which us a bit further than my last school. When we pulled up to the school Gerrard wished me luck and I got out of the car and made my way to my new school and straight to the office to get my schedule, a small map of the school and my locker number. Walking out of the office, I sighed just knowing that this was going to be a long school day. After finding my locker, are you then went off to find my first class of the day which just so happens to be history. I walked around the halls for a few minutes and came to the conclusion that I'm fucking lost dumbass map in my hand is completely and utterly use. Great just fucking great.

"Hey, are you new here?" A girl asked from behind me.
I immediately froze remembering my first day at my old school. The jocks who bullied me, asked me the same question. I gulped and slowly turned around to see a girl with waist long black hair, she dressed punk goth in a black wifebeater, a purple plaid skirt and mix/matching stocking pink and black stripes on one leg and knee high. Black lace on the other with gothic boots. She looked awesome like me. (Pic in next chapter)
"Uhh... yea I'm new." I replied after a moment, but still nervous.
"Are you nervous?" I nodded. "It's ok, I'm Amy btw." She introduced herself.
"It's Lexi." I introduced myself.
"What's your first class, Lexi? Perhaps I can help you get around and find your classes, how does that sound?" Amy offered. She smiled at me showing that she is friendly.
"That sounds nice, thank you. My first class is history with Mr. Tanner." I smiled and read my teachers name off of my schedule.
"Oh Mr. Tanner is so cool, I have him first hour too.... here let me see your schedule..." I handed Amy my schedule and she took a little time to look over it carefully.
We stood off to the side of the hallway out of the way of everyone who were walking around.
"Well, you are really lucky." Amy smiled at me.
"How do?" I asked confused.
"We have the same classes and lunch period." Amy grinned. " Your gonna sit with us at lunch, ok."
"O-ok... I usually sit alone." I studdered a little bit.
"Oh... well not today, today you are gonna sit with me and my friends. They can be a bit crazy, but theyare great and loyal and will always have your back." Amy's friends sound amazing, they almost reminds me of my friends back home.

The school bell rang and everyone scurried off to their first hour class and I followed Amy to our class. As we walked along she filled me in on everything about this school, all the cliques here and pointed out some people to avoid.

"Amy, are there bullies here?" I asked nervously.
"I'm not gonna lie... yes, there are bullies, but they only verbally threat they never act out... very rarely is there ever a full on fist fight." Amy explained and I felt the fear in my gut fade away. "Why do you ask?...Lexi, we're you bullied?" Amy sounded worried.
"Yes, I was bullied badly at my old school, I didn't have any friends there to 'back me up', everyone hated me." I explained to Amy keeping my head down and wiped away a few tears that escaped from my eyes.
"I'm so sorry... Lexi, what did they do to you?" She pondered the question for a moment. "Come on, we should get to vlass, I don't want you to be late on your first day." Amy hooked her arm in mine and guided me to our class.

At lunch time, Amy pulled me along to the cafeteria to get some food before we walked out to the courtyard and over to a bench table. I can see that there are some people there already and Amy introduced me to her friends.

"Hey guys. This is Lexi, it's her first day here. Lexi, this is John, Terry, Rocky, Beth, Ben, Will and Cassie." Amy pointed out her friends to me and I gave them a small smile and waved at them.
I sat down at the table and they all started asking me questions like where I'm from, what's my age... remember I'm a short shrimp and I clearly don't look my age.... they asked about my last school...

"I'm from Tombstone, Arizona. I'm 16 and I was adopted and I moved here 3 and a half months ago. I got transferred to this school, because I was bullied badly at my last school about a week ago." I explained to all of them.
"What did they do to you?" John asked me.
"Idk if I should tell you now... I mean you all are eating and what they did was pretty gruesome." I hesitated.
"It's ok, we can handle it." Rocky brushed it off like it was nothing.
"Ok... don't say that I didn't warn you." I took a deep breath before I startedto tell them what happened. "For the last 3 months, since I moved here, I was constantly being bullied by these jocks, about 2 weeks ago it got really bad. I brought my acoustic guitar to school for my music class and my bullies came along and smashed my guitar into pieces." I paused for a moment. "I was so furious at them that I tackled the leader to the ground and punched him a few times before him and a couple of his friends dragged me to the back of the school and... and carved FREAK on my thigh." Everyone gasped and I continuedto talk. "My brothers and their friends found out what happened to me until me to the hospital to get stitched up and the following week, I was scared to go back to school. At lunch period, they found me hiding in the music room and they dragged me to the back of the school and beat me up.... they tried to do something that's unspeakable. I was really lucky that my brothers and their friends stopped them. I had enough of that school, so my brothers demanded my transcripts and transferred me to the school." I concluded it and they all stared at me in shock.
" why didn't your friends help you?" Beth asked.
"I didn't have any friends at that schook and nobody stood up for me." I said in a sad tone.
"That's horrible Lexi. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Now that your here and friends with us, no bully is ever gonna touch you again, you have our word." Rocky stated it like his word is the final word. Everyone nodded in agreement and that made me smile.
"Here let me see your phone." Will said out of nowhere.
"What? Why?" I was stuns st the sudden question.
"We'll it's something that friends do... is that we exchange numbers so that we can call eachother at anytime." Will smiled and u handed him my phone and everyone took turns putting their numbers in my contacts.
"See, what did I tell you... loyal and will always have your back." Amy said to me and grinned.

The end of the school day came fast and I was excited to get home to tell All the guys that I made new friends at this school.

~☆~Sorry I took too long to update. Since my daughter started school she has been getting sick for no reason. So my time has been consumed with doctors appointments and countless headaches. I kno what would be said next... how bout you update at night? Well, after a tiring day of running after my kids all I want to do is just sleep. So here's the update I hope you all like it. And of course rate and comment ~☆~

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