Chapter VI: Fluffy Mornings

22 2 32

TW mention of harm

CW fluff, minor angst

I love Jellie


"I don't know where I'm going from here
but I promise it won't be boring."
-David Bowie

It's hard,
To so desperately want to
Do something and have
No idea how.

But even if
We don't know, we
Can try,


Mumbo yawned and blinked a few times, his wings were out and draped over Grian and Jellie. Well, more like the shorter had grabbed onto his wing in the night and used it as a blanket.

  "G, you up?" Mumbo whispered groggily.

  His neck hurt and arm was sore. Everyone had fallen asleep at the fire pit instead of their tents or other shelters, because they wanted to stay together.

Grian shifted a bit, but he just curled up a bit more around Jellie and pulled lightly on Mumbo's wing. He sighed, thinking that Grian would probably regret his sleeping position once he awoke.

  Mumbo propped himself up a bit, keeping his wing still for Grian. Skizz was in a similar situation, except Impulse was using his wing as a blanket. BDubs was curled in on himself and fast asleep, a few flowers blossomed around him. Etho slept sitting up beside him, leaning against a log seat.

  Gem and Pearl were cuddled beside each other, sharing a blanket that Keralis most likely ventured out to find during the night. Speaking of, Keralis was asleep using Xisuma's legs as a pillow.

Mumbo tried finding Iskall, and almost panicked until he felt movement closer to his legs and he craned his neck to see the Swede asleep there. Mumbo realized that he was clinging onto his tail like a stuffed animal and sighed again.

Xisuma seemed to be the only other one up, but it was hard to tell, considering his helmet was on once again. Mumbo doubted he slept with it on, so he thought he was up.

  "X?" Mumbo whispered as to not wake any Hermit up accidentally.

  Xisuma perked up and shifted a bit carefully without disturbing Keralis to look over in Mumbo's direction. "What's up, Mumbo?" He whispered slightly louder so Mumbo could hear.

  "Nothing much, just wanted to check if you were up. I see you're being used as a pillow?" Mumbo chuckled.

  X laughed lightly in response and shifted himself around carefully so he could sit up against the log behind him. He moved Keralis' head to his lap and bobbed his head. "It's Keralis, right?" He asked. 

  Mumbo nodded before he remembered what he had learned about X the day before. "Yeah, it is. He looks quite comfortable."

Xisuma laughed again. "Is anyone else sleeping on each other? I've always wished I could see those cute moments you guys talk about."

Mumbo glanced around again before responding. "Gem and Pearl are sort of cuddling, they're sharing a blanket. Etho looks like he's guarding BDubs, and Impulse is using Skizz's wing as a blanket."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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