Chapter 5

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I wasn’t sure what to expect when Rowan opened the door, but it wasn’t anything like what actually happened.

“Paul?” I heard my brother’s surprised voice speak out. I hesitantly peeked over the back of the sofa.

“Rowan my boy!” The large man shouted, grabbing my brother by the arm and bumping chests.

I growled lowly and stood.

What the hell is happening? I thought, still eyeing the casual interactions between my brother and my attacker.

They seem like they are long lost lovers. My wolf snickered.

I watched in complete confusion as Rowan asked Paul to take a seat.

“This is my girlfriend-well fiancée.” Rowan introduced Rachel with a proud smile. He motioned for her to come closer.

I stepped forward, placing myself directly in front of Rachel and our new guest.

“Can we just take a second and regroup?” I looked at the girl behind me. “We have no idea what is happening.”

Rowan offered me a passive glance and turned to Paul.

“Why are you here? I’m actually quite confused on that too. I thought you were in hiding.”

My eyes flashed to Paul’s. His grey orbs were focused solely on my face.

“I’m actually here for your sister.” He said quietly.

I let out a ferocious growl and reeled back.

My wolf stood taller in my mind, just waiting for the opportunity to take over.

“Hold on, hold on. I’m not here to steal you away. I’m only here to keep you safe.” Paul said, throwing his hands up in an act of friendliness.

I narrowed my pale eyes and sat down next to an equally confused Rachel.

“Who the hell are you? I don’t even know what is happening right now!” I yelled in his face, totally exasperate. I was done with these evaded answers.

Rowan shot me a glare. “Aiden.” He warned.

I gulped, knowing my brother only used my full name when he was seriously angry. He knew I hated that name, and he usually respected the reason I preferred being called Addie.

My parents had expected to birth a male sharer, so they had already chosen a male name for their unborn child. When it was announced that I was female they were in such denial about my gender that they proceeded to name me Aiden. They called me that for most of my life. Not once did they call me Addie. Then again, they had never really been around to say my name.

Paul’s chuckle brought me back to the present.

“It’s alright. I probably should explain a few things first.” He said, giving me a soft smile.

I nodded vigorously, urging him on.

“How do you two know each other?” Rachel spoke up, looking at Rowan with fear still in her gaze.

“Paul and I go way back. He was my mentor.” Rowan said a sort of glee in his expression. He looked towards the stranger on our furniture with awe.

I felt my back tense up.

If Paul was Rowan’s mentor that meant he worked for my parents. Dread filled my body when I realized this.

Paul noticed the small change. His gentile smile turned bitter, and his eyes glazed over.

“Don’t worry Aiden, I wouldn’t ever dream of bringing you back to your parents. I haven’t worked for them in a very long time.” He said, his voice sounded gravely when he talked about my mother and father.

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