Chapter 21

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Harry's POV:

I felt bad for freaking out on Addie, but how was I supposed to take the information she was trying to feed me? I mean werewolves? She couldn't think of any better excuse?

Nothing made sense anymore. I didn't want to believe her story about mates and sharers, but it was the only thing I had to go off of. If there was some actual proof of what she was saying then I would be able to move on. Probably.

But she refused to prove anything. I'm just supposed to take her word for it, and be happy with that?

I don't think so.

I did not travel across the country, upset thousands of dedicated fans, and put up with a ton of shit from the lads just to be given a lie.

So I let her simmer in the silence as we pulled up to the airport and got out of the cab. Louis kept texting me, asking what was happening and when we were going to get there, but I just ignored him. I didn't need the whole band knowing that I was infatuated with a psycho.

My breath caught. Was I infatuated? Surely Addie was attractive and alluring, but she was also headstrong and bitter. I couldn't be interested in someone so mean spirited.

"I can grab my own things." Her voice was barely a whisper as she walked up beside me. I met her pale eyes, wondering why she was being so gentle now compared to how angry she was before. Maybe she was just upset that I hadn't agreed to the story she gave me.

I crossed my arms, watching as she pulled the large suitcase out of the back with one arm.

"How-" I cut myself off, immediately looking away before she could look at me.

"It's a sharer thing. I'm pretty strong." She smiled, trying to meet my eyes.

"Sure it is." I said, unbelieving. I watched her frown and turn away.

Although I made her think that I didn't believe her I was still confused to how she had lifted that bag with one hand. I'm surely not the strongest bloke around, but there was no way a girl could be that strong-no matter how many times she visited the gym. There had to be some other explanation to why she was able to lift so much weight so easily.

Maybe the bag wasn't as heavy as it seemed. I thought to myself, watching as she turned to grab more of her things before quickly trying to lift the bag. I used one arm-like she had- and I was able to lift the thing about a foot off the ground before Addie was turning back around. My eyebrows knit together in confusion as she closed the door and picked up her suitcase.

"Are you ready?" She asked, lowering her black sunglasses.

I gave one nod and followed her to the entrance. As we entered I realized why Louis was so persistent on our arrival.

"We're never going to find them in time." I said slowly, looking around the crowded airport in despair. Even with the large group that we had collected-there was no way that we would be able to find them in time for the departure.

I glanced sideways at the ginger girl standing by my arm. Her glasses were hiding her brilliant eyes so I couldn't see her expression exactly, but as I watched her closer I noticed her nose twitching slightly.

"Addie we need to start look-" I began, only to be cut off by her grabbing my hand and dragging me forward.

"They are over here. I can smell Rowan and Mason." She said stiffly.

I tried to ignore the tingling where her hand was and I gave a skeptic look.

"You can smell them? I suppose that's a sharer thing too."

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