Chapter 10

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"Addie we are leaving now." Paul called from the hallway. I had been loitering in my room for the past half hour just trying to figure out a solution to our little problem.

I didn't come up with anything helpful.

I trudged out into the main room, avoiding the five boys that looked at me expectantly. I found it difficult to meet any of their gazes.

"Okay, this is Addie's first assignment." Paul started as he looked from each of the boys and then back to me. "Please try to refrain from doing anything that may make her want to quit."

The guys chucked slightly and gave each other wary looks.

"Alright Addie, this odd how these things work..."

Paul filled me in on what I was supposed to do during the signing as we made our way to the bus.

Instead of directly following the band, I was to discreetly follow from afar. The fans still don't know about One Direction's new female bodyguard, and Paul didn't think that they would react well to a strange girl standing so close to their idols. He thought they would immediately believe that I was dating one of the single members. Which was preposterous considering that would only leave me with Harry and Niall to choose from.

When we arrived in the vehicle, I could tell Louis and Liam where on edge. Harry-the one who should have been worried-looked bored, and Niall just started out the window. Zayn was forced to sit next to me. The whole ride there I could feel his icy glares bombarding the side of my face.

The raining had stopped momentarily, and for a small second I thought we might make it to the signing without Harry's makeup washing off. All of us looked at each other with relief filled gazes.

But as we grew closer to the venue, Mother Nature decided to test us once again.

"I really wish this rain would let up." Paul said from the passenger seat as the raindrops pelted against the windshield. I almost laughed. That made two of us.

Maybe we should just tell Paul. My wolf suggested. It's not like he would do anything but fire us. Those idiots would be fine.

I agreed with the statement, but I knew I wouldn't be able to tell. I had gone against Paul's commands and put our shared charges in danger. Plus, one of the five boys was hurt while I was with them. The disappointed would be too much to bare.

Plus I hadn't even started working for him yet.

If, or when, Paul sees what happened to Harry he will figure out what to do then. I shouldn't be worrying about the future while I'm in the now.

Niall's POV---

With another glare at Harry, I turned back to the window.

It was his fault we were in this messed up situation, and he was acting like nothing would happen if management found out about the fight. Louis and Liam were rightfully nervous because this news could mean suspension of the next world tour. I think most of their fear comes from the possibility of Addie being fired. Liam seems to like her, and Louis really just wants to see what she's "all about".

Zayn's really the only one of us that doesn't care for the ginger-haired lass.

Harry didn't like her at first, but that's because the she-devil had him so messed up. He didn't really like any person with boobs and a pretty face.

Now, though, he seems to have gained a fascination with our new bodyguard, and I didn't blame him. Addie was gorgeous, and quite witty. She'd be a good match for him.

I glanced between the two, wondering when Harry would make his first move on Addie. He did have first dibs, after all.

We were almost to the signing now, so Paul had us unbuckle our seatbelts and prepare for the fans.

I looked at everyone's faces, wondering if Addie had created a master plan yet.

From the way she just stared into space I was guessing not.




Addie's POV:

I waited with the driver, watching as the group of five made their way through the mass of girls.

I wouldn't admit this to anyone, but I was nervous. Not only about Harry's makeup washing off, but also of the enormity of One Direction's fan base. They were going crazy, and the guys were already inside. Some girls screamed, while others cried. I was very worried about those girls. They seemed like the most unstable.

I continue looking out the window for a few seconds, just taking in the sheer chaos of the crowd.

Suddenly my walkie talkie sounded from the belt around my waist. Paul had given me the belt before we left. I used it to hold my keys, my hand-held device, and my gun.

I snickered a bit when Paul handed me the firearm. It was stupid considering if a situation became dire enough to use brute force, I wouldn't be using a pistol. I would be using something a bit more aggressive and animalistic.

"Addie? Can ya hear me?" Paul's voice was muffled by more screaming. I had to listen carefully to make out what he said.

"Uhhh yeah I guess. Can't you tell then to shut up?" I asked. It would be a lot easier to hear if there wasn't a load of noise on the other side.

I could hear the humor in his voice.

"I can't, actually." He admitted, and then added quietly, "Although I really wish that was an option sometimes."

"Anyway, the lads have started introducing themselves. We are ready for you."

"Okay, I'm on my way." I responded, clicking the little button on the side.

I took a deep breath before walking off the bus. Something inside me seemed to jerk ahead and I almost fell flat on my face.

"What the fu-"

I stopped taking when my hands began tingling. A slight burn traveled down my arm and I gasped in surprise. It didn't hurt, but it didn't feel the best either.

I tried shaking the feeling off when a few of the fan girls began noticing me.

I blamed the blood loss from last night. That hit to the side was deeper than I had initially thought, and it took a lot to stop the wound from reopening. My body was probably still in shock.

My wolf was even acting weird. I couldn't see her, but I could hear the whimpering and whining she was doing.

I groaned, pushing my way into the building.

I just need to make it through this signing, and then my body could freak out all it wanted.





Alright, so here is one of my shortest chapters ever! Haaa, sorry for that. I just have been super busy with graduation and grad parties that I haven't had time to transfer all my writing to the internet. Sorry. :(

The good news is that because this chapter was so short I may be uploading the next chapter later today or Sunday. My grad party is tomorrow, so no update then.

I would like to just warn all my readers to prepare themselves for next chapter...



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