Chapter 16

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"What's wrong?" Harry asked, taking me by the shoulders and trying to look into my eyes. I didn't answer. I had gone numb, and all I could do was stare at the two people walking through the doors. They caught the attention of everyone in the room, as they always did. Humans stared at them in awe, while sharers cowered and tried to hide.

I knew I should move, but these two people were the reason I was the way I was. Together they were the one thing that I feared the most on this god-forsaken planet. My parents; the people who I continuously tried to run from. The people who hated me-who tried to kill me. They were ruthless, and now they were here. They had found me.

My wolf was pacing, screaming at me to run.

"Addie we need to go." Mason's voice was suddenly beside me, and I felt Harry jump. I slowly turned to my worried friend. His green eyes almost glowed in the dancing lights coming from the DJ's booth, and I knew he was fighting his lion's spirit. He hated my parents almost as much as I did, but without the paralyzing fear.

Harry looked at Mason and then back to me. I could almost feel his anger.

"No. You promised you would explain things, and I'm not letting you back out this time." He said stubbornly, grabbing my wrist with firm fingers.

Mason tensed, stepping between Harry and me. Though Harry was the tallest in One Direction, he was nothing compared to the size of a sharer. Mason towered over the poor boy.

"We need to get her out of here right away. Will you help us or do I need to break those stringy little fingers from her arm? I'm telling you now that I won't be gentle." He snapped, pulling my arm and ripping me out of a stunned Harry's grasp.

It seemed as if as soon as my skin was free of Harry's, clarity came upon me.

We need to get him out of here. My wolf whined. If they find out that he is our mate...

I shuddered, not wanting to dwell on the thought.

"Let's go." I said, looking Mason in the eye to tell him that I was back to normal. "We can exit out the back way. There's a door behind the DJ's stage."

He nodded. "I told that Niall guy to go grab a car and bring it around. He should be there now."

Harry threw his hands up, frustrated.

"Why the hell do we have to leave? I don't understand what is happening!"

Mason glared, stepping forward and balling his fists around Harry's white button-up shirt. My wolf hissed, wanting to rip the threat away from our mate.

I put a clawed hand on Mason's shoulder, baring my teeth. He immediately let go, but still gave Harry a dirty look.

"Just shut up and move." I snapped, lightly pushing Harry ahead of me. I wanted him in my sights at all times, just to calm my anxious spirit.

He complied, but instead of walking ahead of me he grabbed my hand. I was surprised at his confidence, but smiled slightly as my wolf calmed down.

 It seems as though I have found the key to quieting the beast. I said smugly, silently laughing when my wolf snapped at me.

We were almost to the double doors when I heard a loud growl. Harry had tensed, letting out a slight shriek as the noise became louder.

I looked at Mason. We mirrored the same look of worry, and he stopped to look behind us. I didn't dare turn around.

"Keep moving." He whispered. "It's just Paul and Rowan."

I felt the blood in my body freeze. With all that had happened I had completely forgotten about Paul.

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