Chapter 15

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Addie's POV:

This can't be happening. Harry can't be here.

I looked over to my left, searching for the mop of curly brown hair.

Mate. My wolf purred happily. I was having such a hard time keeping her back; my efforts were making me dizzy. I almost felt the need to sit down.

Why was he here? I knew Paul was invited but it didn't cross my mind that the others would want to come. I had just left without as much as a goodbye. I kind of expected for them to be angry at me.

My fingers tightened around Mason's. He had also seen Harry, and immediately he tensed up.

"Are you okay?" He whispered to me, smiling as Rowan gave us proud looks.

I shook slightly, letting him know that I, in fact, was not okay. My whole body was in sweats and my head was spinning. Mason was the only thing keeping me from falling to my knees.

"Can you make it through this? We can leave through the back after." He said as we came to the premeditated spot where we would break off into our places.

Even though I was probably going to go insane, I nodded at my worried friend. I couldn't leave when my brother was going through such an important time. I needed to be here for him.

As I took my spot next to where the bride would stand I felt an intense pull toward the crowd. I stumbled, holding my hands out slightly to balance myself as I tried to regain control of my body.

"Are you all right?" One of the other bridesmaids asked quietly. I looked up to see the whole row of girls watching me.

I offered a small smile and a nod.

"Yeah, these heels are a killer huh?" I commented offhand. The girls smiled and looked away as the bride began descending down the aisle.

Rachel looked stunning. Her hair was pulled back into an up-do. Some strands were curled in the back while her bangs were completely straight. The dress looked even better than it had in the dress shop. I could see the lace around her shoulders, and as she walked past people pointed and smiled in awe of the beauty. Her smile was brilliant, and it matched Rowan’s. I could see small droplets of water beginning to form in each of their eyes. I secretly envied her. Why couldn't I be this happy? I don't think I have ever felt her type of elation. Not even when I escaped my parents-and that was the happiest moment of my life.

I closed my eyes for a second as my wolf shot a string of profanities at me.

We could be happy. She said gently this time. We could feel complete. Stop wallowing in self-pity and do something that makes you happy.

I opened my eyes after a long breath of air. I realized my wolf was right all along; I could be happy. There wasn’t anything that could get in my way now that I was free. Still, a feeling of hesitation filled me.

What if he doesn’t want me? I wasn’t enough for my own parents. What if he only came here for answers, and after I tell him the truth he runs away? What if he hates the real me? I asked, tears pricking my eyes.

I felt Mason look at me from across the room, his green eyes filled with panic as he watched another one of my break downs. He took a step closer, debating on walking over to console me.

I shook my head briskly, not wanting to draw any attention from the two people who were now making their vows.

Instead of watching the ceremony, I looked down at my feet. It was the safest thing to do. I didn’t want anyone else to notice the water droplets on my face. Maybe they would think my tears would be produced from the joy of the moment, and not complete frustration.

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