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Hey guys!

This isn’t a chapter, but please keep reading because it is important. <3

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who has voted, commented, or even read my story! It really means a lot and I feel that lately I’ve been taking that for granted. I was seriously getting upset with this story because it hasn’t been having the same amount of reads/comments/votes. I kept saying things like ‘please vote!’ or ‘please comment!’ which is one of things I hate seeing in stories. I was being stupid. I realized-just before typing chapter 20-that I shouldn’t care if anyone reads this. This is my story, and it doesn’t belong to anyone else. Just as long as I'm happy with it, no other opinion should matter. But I guess it does, a little too much. I created this story to release some of my ideas. It was faster and less expensive than buying notebook after notebook of lined paper to write stuff in.

I think I was just caught up in the competition of having more reads or comments then someone else, which is horrible and idiotic of me. I hadn’t expected anyone to read this, and I should be happy with the amount of people that gave me feedback. I feel really dumb for asking people to vote and comment if they liked this story. If no-one likes it, then no-one likes it. I know the grammar is bad in some places, but if I had someone edit it I wouldn’t feel like the story is completely mine-just a re-vamped version of my ideas.

Anyway, this author’s note is an apology to all the people that read my pathetic pleas for a comment or vote. It’s annoying. The satisfaction of someone freely saying that he/she liked the story is much better than having someone lie and say they liked the chapter just because I asked them to comment.

I will still dedicate chapters to people, but not solely for the reason of commenting.

I LOVE YOU GUYS & I’m sorry if you were annoyed with this little note. J



p.S. : Next chapter will be out soon...WOO LET'S GO CHAPTER 20!!

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