Chapter 22

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The flight was long. I could barely keep my sanity as all five of the One Direction boys kept bothering me with unimportant things. They either wanted me to tell them stories of what I did while I was gone or play some stupid video game. They even started a karaoke session in the middle of the cabin! Paul had to literally pull Louis back into his seat and strap him in.

The whole time I was wondering when I could close my eyes. All this stress was wearing on me-between the wedding and Harry showing up to my parents and having to leave straight away. I just wanted to close my eyes for a little while.

But I was smart and I knew that if I did close my eyes I was going to be open to any form of childish antics that the group could think of. I had to at least wait until half of them were sleeping.


I looked up to see Harry giving me a strange look. He had basically fought with Niall over taking the spot beside me for the flight back. Niall may have been smaller than Harry, but he put up a pretty good argument. The back and fourth had gone as far as bringing up some embarrassing stories of Harry and I was secretly excited. However the chance for him to spill a few secrets never came because Paul had to intervene. Ultimately Harry had gotten his spot, due to the fact that Paul knew of our connection. I had felt bad for Niall when he gave me this puppy-dog face, but the thought of Harry sitting on the other side of the plane made me kind of upset. I wanted him as close as possible. The feeling could have been because of Charles' appearance, but I honestly just think it was my wolf being a bit over protective.

"What?" I asked finally, following his gaze as he look up at one of the flight attendants. She held out a water bottle and I took it without a smile or a thanks.

"Wow, someone's in a wretched mood." Louis joked, grinning at me from the top of his seat. He, Zayn, Paul, and Niall all sat in the front of Harry, Liam and I. Our cabin was separate from the rest, seeing as if we were to go in an area filled with strangers one of them were bound to freak out over seeing the group of famous singers. I opted for the aisle seat, seeing as if I were by the window I would undoubtedly get nauseous. It also allowed me to reach any form of danger before it could reach Harry or the others. There wasn't a problem thought, because Liam took the spot happily.

"I'm just tired, is all." I admitted, repositioning myself so I was sitting cross-legged in the seat. I twisted the cap off of my water and drank slowly. "It's been a long day."

Paul glanced behind him and gave me a small smile.

"It's hard to believe that the wedding was only a few hours ago." He said, shaking his head. "I'm proud of your brother though. Rachel seems like a top lass."

I nodded and looked down at my bottle.

Rachel and Rowan were great for each other, but I couldn't help but to feel uneasy over the fact that I had left my small group of friends with my parents just around the corner. Rowan may have been their idolized child, but they have probably heard the gossip that he was the one to take me away. Even though Rowan was their perfect son, their hate of female sharers was a very dominate aspect of life for them. I wasn't sure if they would look past the fact for Rowan's sake, or if they would treat him just as they would if anyone else had crossed them in such a way. It was considered the highest form of treachery.

Something nudged my shoulder and I looked up into a pair of concerned green eyes. He smiled reassuringly and grabbed my hand gently.

"They will be fine." He said, as if reading my mind. I knew it was impossible for him to know about my tangled past, but the fact that he knew I was thinking about them only made my heart swell with happiness.

In the back of my mind I knew that if I was in the same position a few months ago I would have tore my hand away and probably would have snapped at Harry. I would have thought of the act as a type of weakness on my behalf-and I didn't need anyone to think that I was weak. I would have been disgusted with Harry for thinking that it was okay to touch me, but I would have been even more disgusted with myself when I realized how much I liked the contact. Now I couldn't think of anything more comforting.

My eyes wandered to Liam's and I quickly pulled away. Although I was sure that I had feelings for Harry I wasn't sure if I wanted anyone besides Harry to know about it. Liam seemed like the most trustworthy in the group, but I knew that they were all close. If one of the boys found out they would all know pretty quickly. It would be humiliating and potentially dangerous for everyone. I needed to play things safe if I wanted to keep my location a secret.

We need to keep Harry safe over everything. My wolf said in agreement. If anyone found out that he was our mate he would be dead.

I ignored the last part. I was sick of the constant reminder and even the thought of Harry being killed by someone in my family made my face heat up in anger.

"How much longer until we land?" I asked no-one in particular.

Paul turned around, confusion in his grey eyes.

"We just took off. It won't be another 6 hours before we land." He said, watching me warily as I huffed and grabbed a blanket from under the seat.

"If anyone even tried to draw on my face or put gum in my hair or anything I will make sure that none of you can reproduce." I growled out, leaning back as I wrapped my blanket around my body.

I heard a few chuckles and then Louis' chipper voice whispering.

"She's back."





AWWWWW. I'm so happy that they are all back together! I love creating their little family fights.

The next chapter will be Addie and the boys settling back into their lives together. And I am going to try to start posting every week. The chapters will be smaller, but there will be more updates!! =)

Also, and this is just a random question not related to this story, but is anyone going to see Ed Sheeran in concert for 2014? I heard that his European dates were release a bit ago and I was just wondering. I am sitting in bitter cold Wisconsin patiently waiting for the American tour dates soooo I need something to dwell on.

Also this chapter was unedited-just as all of my chapters are ughh.

Thank you for reading! Please vote, comment, etc.


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