chaptah 12

129 9 2

Harry's POV:

Paul rushed into the small shop, his face red and his breathing jagged.

The five of us stood from our sitting positions and flocked to the bodyguard. The feeling of being safe instantly surrounded me as I came closer.

"What happened here boys?" Paul asked. His confused eyes darted around the empty room as if he were half expecting a horde of crazed fans to rush us.

Louis, Liam, and Zayn all began talking at once, explaining the mad rush of fan girls and the unexpected appearance of our savior wolf.

Niall and I just stood there and listened. We were the only ones that had an outside view of the situation. None of the other lads had notices the way the beautiful creature had protected us and fended off the growing mob. No one else noticed the way the animal looked at us with care, or how it seemed sad when it left. Nobody noticed the humane qualities in the so-called "beast".

No one but me.

I couldn't erase those hauntingly pale eyes from my mind, or that russet colored fur that was softer than it seemed.

Somehow I knew it was her.

My Addie.

“…we don’t know how long she’s been missing. The last time I heard from her was when she responded to our call for you guys.”

My eyes flashed to Paul’s creased face. He seemed worried, which made my fingers go numb at the thought.

“You can’t find Addie?” I asked, even though it sounded more like a statement.

A felt a hand clamp on my back reassuringly.

“It’ll be all right mate.” Niall whispered as Paul and a few other guards planned a search party.

I nodded, offering a minuscule smile.

“Of course it is.” I said aloud. I was going to find her.

Addie’s POV:

I only shifted back when I knew it was safe. My wolf had calmed down quite a while ago, but I didn't want to turn back into my human form in front of an already hysteric crowd.

So I waited until I was outside. On the way here I had noticed a small park across the street. There wasn't much room to roam around or hunt, but there was enough to keep my animal-self hidden while I switched forms.

As soon as I turned back into my human side, I also began thinking and feeling like a human again. Fear and astonishment overcame my emotions as well as rage and displeasure.

"This can't be happening." I groaned out as I crouched next to a large tree. My head hurt. It felt like there was a little smirf person on the inside of my skull having a grand old time with a jackhammer. I gripped my temples as if it were possible to dispel the pounding with more pressure.

We need to go back to our mate. My wolf begged. I quickly shut her out.

There was no way my mate could be Harry. First of all because we hate each other, and second of all because he's a complete idiot. He's a spoiled human! How is he supposed to protect himself if he can barely wipe his own ass without sending a selfie over the internet?

My mind went to my parents. If they found out Harry was my mate they would kill him instantly. And no matter how I may feel about this whole situation now, I know my wolf would die without her mate.

I squeezed my eyes shut, deciding on what to do. If I go back I will have to tell Paul. That would both be humiliating and aggravating considering I would have to explain everything to Harry also.

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