Chapter 14

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"What do you think of this one?"

I looked up from my phone at the sound of Rachel's excited voice. She was wearing a sparkling wedding dress and held a bouquet of white flowers. I could see the sequins covering every inch of the dress, and I had to hold back my distasteful grimace.

"It's alright." I lied poorly.

I wasn't really sure why Rachel had wanted me to tag along with her while she went dress shopping. It wasn't like I was the queen of fashion or anything, plus she had a whole entourage with her. I really wasn't needed and we had already picked out bridesmaid dresses. I was really tempted to ask permission to leave.

"Well I think it's just darling!" One of the older women, who I believe may have been Rachel's mother, gushed.

"I agree! It's totally chic." Rachel's best friend Tia interjected.

Rachel didn't look convinced. I have to admit that our taste in clothes was similar, and maybe that was why she kept asking my opinion before everyone else.

"I don't know." She began. "I need a dress today but I don't think any of these are even close to what I want!"

Rachel did need a dress today. She was so adamant about every single detail with the ceremony that she had forgotten the most important part; the dress. Now here we are, only days before the final hour, searching for something for the bride to wear.

I sighed, rolling my eyes as the people around me bickered and went back to answering my texts.

After my stressed conversation with Harry a few weeks ago things have been different between Mason and I. He was angry at me for leaving my mate when half of the sharer population never even met their significant other. He thought I wasn't grateful. I tried explaining my reasons for keeping distance from Harry, but he told me they were just excuses for not dealing with my true emotions. I gave up trying to persuade him after the first few minutes.

Rowan has been busy with the wedding coming up in a few short days and I didn't want to bug him. He seemed so happy, even when Rachel was barking orders at him or spending his money on frivolous things for the wedding. There was no way I would ever dream of bringing him down from his high, and I made Mason promise that he wouldn't mention Harry.

My phone buzzed, making me jump a bit. I glanced down at the screen, holding my breath as I read the same words I had been hearing for the past few weeks.

Text from: Harry

Hi! Are you ready to explain yourself? It won't be long now, love. I can't wait to see you. xx

I almost groaned. I would get the same text every day, sometimes twice. It made my heart jump in anticipation and my wolf howl with excitement.

I have been so jumpy lately. I half expected to go home one day and the boys would be there waiting for me with goofy smiles. I wasn't sure what I would do if that situation would occur. Would I be exuberant or would I try and play it off as if I didn't care at all?

I shoved my phone in my pocket and looked up just in time to see Rachel walk out of the dressing room with a huge smile on her face.

"I think this may be the one." She announced, standing on the platform proudly.

I took in her small form and the beautiful white dress hanging off her figure. It was short with a cinched waist and a bottom half that floated from her middle. The dress itself went down to her knees. The shoulders were capped off with a short sleeve and a high neckline, and when she turned I could see the lace gliding elegantly down her back.

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