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Jisung pulled out a chair for the girl and let her sit down before going to the opposite side. The table had a warm meal already prepared, two glasses of cola next to them.

"Wine would've been better, but you're not old enough to drink and I need to drive," Jisung sighed, taking a sip of his glass. The two started eating their meals not long after.

Jisung couldn't take his eyes off of the girl. The warm light glowing on her face made her look even more ethereal in his eyes. The boy was starving, but the thought of eating food went out of the window as he glanced at her over and over again. She definitely noticed. Not like Jisung cared, since he's made his feelings for her quite obvious.

"It's been weeks since we've met each other yet I still don't know much about you," Jisung said as cut a part of his steak.

"There's not much to know about me. I'm a pretty boring person," she replied, taking a sip of her soda.

"Just tell me about yourself, I want to know everything there is to know."

"Like what?"

"What's your major?"

"Same as Chenle, economics."

"Favorite music artist?" He wiped his mouth with a napkin, putting his fork and knife down for a moment so he could give the girl his full attention.

"Lee Hi," she replied as she took a bite of the steak. Naeun had never eaten food this expensive before. But it tasted good and Jisung had already paid for everything, so it would be a waste to not eat.

"How about you ask me some questions now?" Jisung said as he propped his elbows up on the table and rested his chin on his palms. 

Naeun pondered for a bit before speaking up. "When did you start street racing?"

Jisung tilted his head, a smile spreading across his face as he replied to the girl. "When I was in high school. I just really needed money, and fast. I found out my sister's boyfriend and his friends were street racers, so I joined them."

"Have you ever gotten...any injuries while racing?"

"Not any major ones. Sure, I've gotten a few scratches here and there but that just comes with being a racer," he sighed.

"That's good," the girl muttered underneath her breath. Her mind immediately started going back to the incident with Jaehyun, but she tried to put it past her. She didn't want to ruin her special day with her emotions.

"How is the food," Jisung asked as he put down his fork for a second.

"It's good. I still don't understand how you afforded a meal this expensive."

"Oh babe, you don't know how much money I receive from winning races," he chuckled.

The two ate the rest of their dinner in a comfortable silence. Jisung occasionally asked questions about her. He couldn't help but be intrigued. He and Naeun met several weeks ago, but he felt like he barely knew anything about her. He wanted to know everything there was to know.

After dinner the two cleaned up the table and walked down the pathway again to get to the exit. Jisung had been contemplating reaching out to hold her hand as they walked, but he held himself back. He was already lucky that the girl agreed to go on a date with him. He didn't want to push his luck too much. At least not yet.

The two of them reached a bench and he told Naeun to sit down while he fetched something from his car. It wasn't parked far away so he didn't mind leaving her alone. Jisung got his keys out and opened the trunk, getting out the gift bag he had prepared.

He smiled to himself before closing his trunk and walking back to Naeun. The boy couldn't wait to see her reaction to the present.

"Naeun!" He called with a big smile on his face as he approached the girl. She looked up from her phone, putting it away into her handbag and standing up.

"Happy birthday, my darling," Jisung said as he handed her the bag.

"You didn't have to get anything, you already paid for the food and stuff," Naeun said, a bit taken aback that he still got her a gift after paying for everything. She was reluctant to take it because it felt like too much.

"It's your birthday, of course I had to get you something," he chuckled, pushing the bag into her hands. "Come on, open it."

The girl sat back down on the bench next to Jisung. She loosened the strings of the gift bag before opening it, eyes widening at what she saw.

Inside the gift bag were three things: a shiny, diamond necklace, two matching Pandora rings, and a letter.

"Dude, this is too much," Naeun said as she tried to return the bag to him.

Jisung internally winced at the feeling of being called 'dude' by the girl he likes so much. He didn't say anything and mustered up a smile.

"Come on, just accept the present," he said as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

Jisung took the necklace out of the gift bag. He moved her hair to one side, carefully putting the necklace around her neck. Naeun was flustered beyond belief at the proximity of their faces. She could feel his breath hitting her face and the subtle scent of his cologne. Their eyes locked for a moment, before he pulled away.

"It looks beautiful on you," he said. "But then again, you would look beautiful in anything. Because you're beautiful yourself," he winked before reaching into the bag again.

Jisung took the two rings out. He gently took her hand, sliding one of them on her ring finger. His thumb softly brushed against her soft skin, a look of genuine affection in his eyes.

"I wanted to match rings with you," said Jisung as he put the other ring on his own finger. "Is that okay?"

"Yeah, it is," Naeun muttered under her breath, her cheeks burning red. She was grateful that it had gotten dark outside, so her face wasn't too visible. She didn't know how to feel about matching rings, but considering the fact that Jisung already spent all of this money on her, it was the least she could do.

Jisung finally felt like he was getting somewhere. He felt that the feeling was mutual. Asking her about it could possibly ruin the mood, so he pushed it to the back of his mind as the two walked out of the park.

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