Chapter 1

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"PETER!!!" Hope yelled, "GET YOUR SORRY BUTT IN HERE!!!"

"WHY?" He yelled back.

"BECAUSE I SAID SO." she yelled back. From her room she heard her brother's bedroom door slam. Then his heavy footsteps along the landing.

He wrenched the door open. Hope looked over from her wardrobe, "did you pour water all over my clothes?"she demanded.

"No," her brother snapped back.

"Well I didn't do it so you must've done it!" She exclaimed throwing a sodden jumper at him. Peter turned on his heel and left.

As he left he yelled over his shoulder, "COULD'VE BEEN DAD!"

Hope scowled, she found a dryish t-shirt and a pair of leggings and put them on. Then she stormed out of the house slamming every door she went though as she left.


Up until the age of 15 Tristan had gotten DaJaVu in everything he did. But a year after his 15th birthday he hadn't had DaJaVu since. Ever since the moment he had kissed Hope for the very first time. Since then they had been going steady.

"C'mon Bee!" He yelled at his younger sister. Bee or Beryl (but she hated being called by her full name) was one year younger that Tristan. She had their mother's eyes and her brown hair but their father's skin tone.

"I'M COMING," she yelled back, just then she hurtled down the stairs.

"Let's go," he took her arm and the two left the house yelling goodbye to their parents as they left.

They walked down the cobbled streets of New Athens towards the camp.

As they walked Bee started up the usual argument between the siblings, "it's not fair that you got flying and all I got is charmspeak!"

Tristan rolled his eyes, "we've been though this Bee, Chiron thinks you've got the ability to summon lighting you just haven't persisted with it."

"But charmspeaking just came to me without any practice!" Bee countered.

Tristan gave his normal retort, "yes but controlling water came easy to Hope but she had to practice to control hurricanes."

Bee glared at him, "I don't care, it's not fair!"

"Hey that rhymed." Tristan laughed, then spotted a head of blonde curls up ahead and ran to catch up with Hope.

"Hey Tris," Hope smiled, according to her parents the only times she smiled anymore was around him. Since he had stopped getting DaJaVu Hope had become more and more moody, Peter too, but he had always been moody.
She went on tiptoes and kissed him.

"What've you got today?" Tristan asked her.

"I'm with the big three today, so's Peter, you?" She asked.

"Us too," Tristan said, "I think Sammy, Marie and Emily are too."

Hope smiled, "May?" She asked.

Tristan shrugged, "no idea."

"Well c'mon or we'll be late," she grabbed his hand and they sprinted the rest of the way to the arena.


"Shall we stop off at Ezzie and Tom's?" Marie asked her siblings as they past the Valdez house.

"Nah Tom's probably still asleep," Emily said. Marie was always jealous of Emily. The siblings looked nothing alike even though they were triplets Emily looked exactly like their mother with her dark skin, frizzy hair and golden eyes, the one thing she had gotten from their father was shapeshifting, which both Sammy and Marie were jealous of her for. Sammy was their father just with slightly more tanned skin, he had gotten shadow traveling from their mother. Marie on the other hand had the same stocky build as their father and the same hair colour, the only thing that made people able to tell that her and Emily were sisters was that they shared the same golden eye colour.

Marie had the ability to summon precious metals and amazing underground senses.

People most often mistook Sammy and Marie for twins and Emily as their younger sister. Even though Emily was the oldest out of all three of them.

Marie rolled her eyes, "he you can't avoid him and forever Em."

"I know." Emily said, "we're just having a break."

"You guys are always having a break." Sammy said.

"No we're not, now c'mon let's go," then she took off running.


"TOM GET OUT OF BED!" Their mother Calypso yelled up the stairs at her still sleeping son.

Ezzie rolled her eyes and stabbed another bit of bread with the butter knife.

"I AM!" He yelled back.

"He's a slob," Ezzie said.

"Takes way too much after his dad," her mother said.

Ezzie smiled, "you think." Ezzie was her mother. Just with her dad's eyes. She had her mother's powers over plants and could use a tiny bit of fire.
Tom was their father. Just taller, and he didn't look as much like an elf. He had control over fire.

Okay so here's a run down of everyone's children so no one (including me) gets confused.

Hope (16) twins with Peter {Power} (16) -Percabeth
Tristan (16) older brother to Bee {Beyrl} (14) -Jiper
Emily (15) triplets with Sammy (15) and Marie (15) -Frazel
Tom (15) older brother to Ezzie {Ezparanza} (14) -Caleo
May(16) -Thaluke
Ethan (14) older brother to Clary {Clarrise} (13) -Charlena

Hope that that's not too confusing.
If I add any other kids eg Solangico's kids I'll tell you.
Anyway hope you liked the Chapter.
See ya
~Em xx

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