Chapter 4

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"Percy and Luke." Chaos said, "so glad you could join us."
"We're not that late!" Luke exclaimed.
"You're 15 minuets late," Zöe told them.
"Whatever," Percy rolled his eyes, he turned back to Chaos, "why'd you call us here?"
Chaos only needed to say one word, and he had everyone in the room's attention, "End."
"What about End?" Bianca asked quickly.
"He's back, I've been fighting him for the past 3 years." Chaos told them, "I'm loosing, I need you six."
Percy could think of lots of sarcastic comments about that like. 'OH MY GODS THE WORLD IS ENDING CHAOS THE ALMIGHTY CREATOR OF ALL NEEDS OUR HELP!'
But he held the remarks back. This was too serious.
"Oh Gods," Silena said.
Chaos nodded, "I know I promised that I wouldn't come to you after 300 years, but I need you, more than I ever have before. Will you help me?"
The six looked at eachother.
They didn't need words to communicate what they were going to do. After spending 300 years with each other they were so in tune that they could read each other's expressions.
"We'll do it," Beckendorf said.
"I'll meet you on halfblood hill at 7pm," Chaos said. He clicked his fingers and the six dissapered.


They reappeared on halfblood hill. Silena's first thought was of her children. Ethan and Clary. Where would they stay whilst her and Charlie were away? What if they never came back?
Beckendorf seemed to be thinking the same thing. Horror showed on his face.
"I can ask Annabeth if she can look after Ethan and Clary if you want?" Percy asked, "I mean we've got three spare rooms so we've got plenty of space..." He trailed off.
Silena leapt at him. He hugged him, "thankyou." She whispered.
He smiled,"no problem." Silena pulled her arms away from him, "well I'm gonna go say bye to Annabeth and my kids, if you come over with yours we can gat them settled in before we leave." Percy said. Then he turned away and walked off towards New Athens.


"You promised you wouldn't leave again," Annabeth sobbed.
"I know wise girl. I'm so sorry but I have to do this," Percy put his arm around her."it will keep you safe, I can't allow End to get anywhere near earth, and that's what he'll do. He'll come here. It's Chaos' favourite planet. End will target it."
"I just wish you didn't have to go." Annabeth said, "please make sure you come back to me." Annabeth wiped away the last few tears and looked at her watch, "Hope and Peter will be back soon." She for up and headed upstairs to get two of the guest rooms ready for Clary and Ethan.
Percy sat at the table in the kitchen waiting for his kids to come home. How would he tell them?
He had to be careful. Annabeth would get really annoyed if any of them blew up the plumbing again.
Heard the front door open and shut. Then two pairs of shoes being taken off. Then Peter and Hope walked into the kitchen.
"Hey dad," Hope said, she immediately went to the cupboard and pulled out a bag of crisps. She started eating them.
"Guys, sit down, there's something I need to tell you," Percy told them. The two teens did as he said, "I have to go away and help Chaos for a bit." Percy told them.
"What?" Peter asked, looking puzzled.
"Chaos has asked me, Luke, Bianca, Silena, Beckendorf and Zöe to help him in a war, we all said yes." Percy told them.
Unsurprisingly the plumbing burst.


The Beckendorf family arrived at the Jackson's to find a lot of screaming, cursing and very wet floors. Percy greeted them at the door looking anxious. As the stepped over the threshold Percy warned them to watch out for flying daggers, the he sprinted off. With Hope and Peter chasing him. Annabeth greeted them with a mop in her hand.
"Sorry," she said, "when Percy told them he was going into a war they blew up the plumbing and started chasing him around the house. Leo came in and fixed the plumbing and I've mopped most of it up."
"It's okay, we know how Jacksons are," Beckendorf laughed.
"I'll show you two to your rooms," Annabeth told Ethan and Clary. The two grabbed their bags and Annabeth led them up the stairs. Dodging a knife thrown by Hope.

Hey guys!!!!!
I finished school today *does happy dance*
I also convinced all of my followers on Instagram that my best friend got kidnapped. It was hilarious!
Anyway G2G
~Em xx

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