Chapter 11

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Marina was in the kitchen with her mother. Lucy was out with some of her friends, her father and Eddie were out doing whatever Satyrs do and Hope and Peter were upstairs unpacking.
Marina was just in the middle of yelling at her mother when it happened.
The lights flickering.
The lights kept flickering until finally they went off complete, but this wasn't any normal darkness, this was different. Marina couldn't see anything, not her mother, not the room around them, not even her own feet.
But then a white light entered the room. Marina looked over and saw Hope and Peter making their way down the stairs.
Hope seemed to be admitting a bright white glow, whilst Peter seemed to be sucking the darkness from around her. It was almost as if he was absorbing it.
Hope looked at them, panic etched on her face.
"What the hell is this?" She demanded. Marina looked over to her mother, who seemed just as stunned as her. Hope looked at them and then, grabbing her brother's hand ran from the house.


Annabeth approached Saga at a distance. She eyed the massive black palace far off on the horizon and her heart jumped.
Percy was there, End could sense him. Since being held captive in her own mind she had learned a lot. The thing with possession, the possessor opens their mind completely to the possesie. In other words Annabeth had been rifling through End's memories for what? A week? Maybe two?
She knew why End could sense Percy. He was blessed by Chaos. And she had also learnt about what happened before. About how End had been Chaos, and then how he had been Percy, about Peter, or Power and Hope and finally how Hope had made the decision to reset their lives.
Despite it being no use to anyone Annabeth had been gathering information and biding her time until End was weak enough for her to fight him and claim her own body back.
But she could tell that End was wasting a lot of energy hiding something from her, she could tell that it was something big. And whatever it was, it was happening right now.


Percy was in a bad mood.
Actually that would be an understatement, Percy was in a if-you-try-to-talk-to-me-I-will-slice-your-head-off mood. They were getting nowhere with the search for Annabeth, and to make matters worse Percy's dreams were back, he had hardly had any demigod dreams since he died, but now after 317 years the dreams were back. Every night he dreamt of what horrible things could be happening to Annabeth, she could be being tourtured, she could be held captive, or worse, she could be dead. Percy didn't let himself dwell on that last one, he knew that if he started thinking that he would just start blaming himself... He should've been there for her, he could've kept her safe. Stupid fatal flaw!
They (they being the six elite) were in a meeting with Chaos. They were meant to update him on where they were with finding Annabeth, no one had anything, it was almost as if she disappeared into thin air. Which according to Hope and Peter, she literally did.
Percy was almost at the point of smashing his head against the table, they were getting no where.
But that was when the lights started flickering.

So what d'ya think?
I'm actually quite proud of this chapter!!!
Even though it's quite short...
Remember to vote, comment and add this to a reading list *gives puppy dog eyes* I also really like it when people follow me!
~Em xx

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