Chapter 19

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It took longer than Hope had expected for End to turn up. But when he did Hope was terrified. She heard the footsteps on the drive. And then pausing outside on the doorstep.
Then the door was blasted open.

Percy lunged into action, as did his daughter and Luke. But Peter stood there, frozen staring right at End, who just so happened to be in his mother's body.
It was like he had a sudden jog that had short circuited his brain.
Percy processed all of this on just a few seconds and he was busy trying to fight End, keeping his eyes averted. Because he knew that if he looked he wouldn't be able to continue the fight as he would see the beautiful face of his wife.
Peter stayed frozen, but Hope and Luke fought beside Percy, they fought well, but all of End's attention was on Percy.
End knocked Luke and Hope aside like they were annoying flies.
Percy continued fighting End, who backed him up into the kitchen where Thalia, Piper and Leo stood.
The three of them immediately jumped in to help Percy.
End threw Percy to the ground as Thalia, Leo and Piper attacked.
They dodged and ducked, but they were only able to jab End a few times with their swords and each time made no impact.
End seemed to tire of this, as if it were a boring documentary on sloths.
He batted Thalia and Leo out of the room, towards Luke, Peter and Hope.
Piper was pushed to the ground by an invisible force.
Percy clambered to his feet and charged at End again.

Hope tried to get into the kitchen, as did Luke. But once End and Percy had passed through it, it was as though a force field had been erected.
Hope yelled out again as she ran at the barrier and was once again thrown away from it.
Just then, Leo and Thalia were thrown back through it, Thalia landed on Peter, who toppled over, still in a sort of trance.
Leo however landed face first on the floor, "OW!" He yelled. Everyone ignored him, Thalia jumped up, quickly apologising to Peter, who didn't seem to acknowledge that he had been knocked to the ground. Thalia ran at the door, only to be promptly thrown back.
Hope walked up to her brother and slapped him. That seemed to jolt him back to reality. She offered him a hand, which he took, and helped him to his feet.
Hope eyed the doorway, her father and mother were still in vicious combat, ducking and diving. Piper was flat on the floor, struggling to her feet using the wall for support. All they could do was watch as the fight panned out. The doorway was inpenatrable.

Hey look, I'm still alive. And I updated. SORRY ABOUT THE WAIT AND IF ANYONE IS STILL READING YOU ARE A SAINT!!!! And I love you.
Remember to vote, comment and remind me not to make you wait three months for an update!
~Em xx

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