Chapter 2

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When everyone who was training with the big three cabins had arrived outside the Zeus/Jupiter cabin Chiron came trotting over.
"Hey Chiron." May said. May was the only person other than Tristan who could make Hope smile. The two girls were almost the same age with only a few weeks inbetween them. May and Hope looked pretty similar as well, both having blonde curly hair. May had a slightly thinner face and was less tanned, she also had her mother's sky blue eyes.
Peter and May had been dating a month and were sitting holding hands on one of the steps. Tristan and Hope mimicked them nearby. Emily, Sammy and Marie sat in the middle of the two couples, in the middle of a heated argument over who would get to use the bathroom first when they got home. Bee sat with them, not saying anything but looking at Sammy as though the sun shone out of him.
"Children, I will be taking your training today as we are working on powers. And I don't think any other instructor is qualified to take you for that." Chiron said. "we will be going to the arena. Follow me."
Peter and May were the first to oblige. They walked behind Chiron, not holding hands but talking.
When they all arrived at the arena Chiron split them off into groups and told them to practice their big three powers. He put Emily and Bee together as both still needed to develop their big three powers.

"They bring out the worst in eachother," Annabeth told her husband. He nodded, he sat down next to her on the sofa and put an arm around her.
"I see where you're coming from, but what can we expect, they're twins at 16 they literally have no time apart." Percy reasoned.
"That may have been one of the most intelligent things you've ever said seaweed brain." Annabeth smiled.
Percy rolled his eyes, he stood up, "I have to go, I'm already late for the Ares cabin's sword fighting lesson, Gods they might've already started decapitating eachother!"
He kissed her goodbye and left. Annabeth sat alone in the house. She didn't work Mondays, normally she volunteered at the library but it was shut today due to some flooding. *cough*Peter*cough*
So Annabeth decided to go and visit Piper. Piper didn't work. Jason taught lessons at camp with Percy. Piper occasionally took members of the Aphrodite cabin for charmspeak but other than that she didn't do anything.
Annabeth knocked on the door and it was answered immediately by Piper.
"Hey Annabeth," she said.
"Have you got anything going on?" Annabeth asked, Piper shook her head, "wanna hang out?"
Piper smiled, "sure." She usurer Annabeth into the house.

After about fiftieth time that Peter drenched him Sammy had enough. Just as Peter was preparing to drench him for the fifty-first time he shadow travelled. He reappeared with his sword at Peter's throat.
"Do it again and I'll cut you," Sammy told Peter. Sammy could see Hope across the other side of the arena laughing at her brother's predicament. That was the first time he had seen her smile in... Gods, it felt like forever.
Then May blasted her with lightning and the smile vanished, she turned around and the two girls when into a full out battle.
Sammy realised Peter from his grip. Peter took out his sword and the two started sword fighting.

Hey guys, this Chapter is kinda short but meh, quite a few at the moment are just fillers.
i'm gonna add Nico and Will's kid, they have a son called Michel. He's Nico's actual son but no one knows who the mother is. Michel is 15.
They have another son named Lee, also Nico's real son but no one knows who the mother is. He is only just 14.
The DiAngelo-Solaces don't stay at camp much they travel a lot but when they're at camp they have a house in new Athens and the boys train with the big three cabins.

Hope you like them.
~Em xx

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