Chapter 21

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Chaos transported Percy and Annebeth to Saga. Percy looked around, they had arrived in the throne room. The golden light still filled everything and now Percy could see that it really did fill almost all of the universe.
Chaos flashed in and at the same time that he did a body appeared at the foot of Chaos' throne. Annabeth rushed over, pulling Percy with her as the two had refused to let go of eachother's hands since End had been expelled from Annabeth's body.
Once the two of them had glimpsed the face of the person they stood there in complete shock.
Chaos smiled sadly.
"Ah yes," he said, "whilst End was in control of Mrs Jackson here he threw Mrs Grace against the wall, ultimately killing her."
"You have to bring her back," Percy said after a long, stunned silence, "add her to the elite, or any other branch of the army, she's a good fighter, she can help, she's better use to the universe alive than dead, she's-"
"Perseus, stop," Chaos told him, "follow me." He turned on his heel and walked off.
They walked down corridor after corridor, but when Chaos finally stopped Percy realised that he had been there before. It was the room where Chaos had shown them the visions of them as babies, Chaos opened the door and ushered them in. The room immediately changed and they found themselves in a room, there was a baby's crib in one corner and in another there was a rocking chair, in which a man sat. Percy recognised him as a young version of Piper's father. He was asleep, in his arms was a small bundle of blankets, the child in the blankets was wide awake, she held her fists up in front of her and clenched and unclenched them over and over again.
Then Chaos appeared. He walked over to the man and the baby and smiled, he placed a hand on the child's head and muttered the familiar words in Ancient Greek 'I bless thee'
And then Chaos disappeared.
Once the vision was gone Chaos led them back to the throne room.
"So you never intended for the elite to just be the six of us," Percy said.
"No, there were always more."
"But why did you just choose seven," Annabeth asked, "I mean, seven is unlucky in lots of cultures and Frank said that its a ghost number."
"Oh my dear Annabeth," Chaos smiled, "whoever said I just chose seven."


Jason was destraut. And no one blamed him for it, he lay over Piper's body as if protecting her from further harm.
Tristan and Bee sat next to their father on either side of their mother. Bee was also crying. But Tristan just looked broken. He stared down at his mother's face. No tears would come. He just felt an overwhelming sadness that consumed all of who he was.
Hope and Peter stood to one side. During the battle Peter's memories had come back. He knew who he was but he had chosen not to be that person. He didnt want to go against his friends and family.
The twins couldn't help but worry about their parents. They both knew that Percy and Annabeth could handle themselves, but having watched Piper die they now understood that nothing is undefeatable.
They group of demigods and legacies stood around the kitchen. Not one of them spoke, the room was silent apart from occasional sobs.
That was when a bright golden light swept through the house and Piper's body disappeared.

Hello!!!!! Sorry I didn't update this chappie earlier. I was... ummm... I've got nothing :D
I hope you liked it.
Remember to vote, comment and be a fancy person.
~Em xx

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