Chapter 9

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Annabeth knew what she was doing, but she had no control over anything.
After End entered her body she blacked out briefly. Shen she regained consciousness she was no longer in the hut.
Obviously End hadn't blacked out, he had been fully conscious.
Let's play a game, End said to her in her mind, how long will it take to kill Perseus Jackson.


Chaos recalled his army. He seemed a bit taken back that End's army had just been destroyed. None of them had any idea what had happened.
Bianca was no exception, she was so confused. The light. It had seemed to come from within Percy.
But how was that possible? Percy was a son of Poseidon, he could control liquids. Nothing else. Definitely not light.
The rest of the army was dismissed back to training. But the Elite were called to see Chaos.
They were a mess. Days of fighting had worn them down. Grime covered their faces and each of them bore many injuries, Beckendorf's right eye was swollen closed, Silena was on crutches, Zöe sporting a sling, Luke's face was covered in small slashes and his clothes were pretty torn up. Bianca herself had escaped with only some small minor injuries. Percy however didn't have a scratch on him, which was strange because Bianca could swear that she saw him with a black eye earlier that day.
Chaos' throne room door was propped open as normal and the six of them walked straight in. (or in Silena's case hobbled in)
Chaos wasn't sitting on his throne, instead he was standing with his back to them in deep conversation with a messenger. The six of them stopped in the doorway, waiting for Chaos to finish.
When he did, the messenger rushed past them and Chaos turned on them.
"What happened out there?" He asked them.
They all turned to Percy.
"What?" He asked.
"It was you," Luke said, "so you need to explain it."
"I don't even know what I did though," Percy said.
"What happened?" Chaos repeated, he turned and gestured for them to follow him.
Bianca, along with the others, hurried after him.
"I honestly have no idea?" Percy said, "one minute I was talking to Hope and Peter," Chaos flinched at the name of Percy's son, "and they told me that Annabeth was missing, and the next I was standing in the middle of the battle field with all the monsters vaporised."
Chaos nodded, "rage is a powerful thing, sometimes it brings out things that we didn't even know we had within us."
"What're you saying?" Silena asked.
Chaos stopped by a door and opened it, he led them inside and shut the door behind them, "why do you think I chose the six of you?" He asked.
The room around them was white, but then it faded and the seven of them found themselves in what looked like a child's nursery. It was obviously a boy's room as most things were blue, complete with 'it's a boy' balloons.
There was a child in the crib. Beckendorf sucked in a breath.
"That's me," he said. They all looked at him in confusion, "the baby, it's me," he added to clear their confusion.
They all looked back at baby Beckendorf.
Then next to the crib a man appeared, he was wearing a suit and had dark hair. It was Chaos.
They all looked at the Chaos who was standing with them.
He smiled, "just watch."
Chaos#2 picked up the child, who was now giggling.
Silena nudged her husband, "Charlie you were so cute!"
Zöe shushed her.
Chaos#2 smiled down at the child in his arms. He placed a hand on the child's forehead and muttered a few words in Ancient Greek 'I bless thee'
A warm glow flooded the room and the child's skin started to glow as well.
Chaos#2 set the child back in the crib and disappeared, after sending one last smile towards the child.
The scene around them dissolved and the appeared in another child's room, this was also a boy, but it wasn't as heavily decorated as Beckendorf's room, this was more simple, with just a crib, a rocking chair, a chest of draws and a few toys.
New to Bianca Luke shot Chaos a puzzled glance, "this was my room," he said.
Again moments later Chaos#2 appeared, he held Luke and muttered the same few words 'I bless thee' the room and the child glowed again and Chaos set Luke down.
The same thing was repeated four more times.
Percy, Then Silena, Bianca and finally Zöe, Zöe's was different to everyone else's as she was born in ancient times. Chaos wasn't wearing a suit, he was wearing a greek style robe. But apart from that it was pretty much the same.
After that final scene dissolved they all turned to Chaos.
"Why?" Silena asked him, "why us of every demigod on earth, I mean a daughter of Aphrodite, A son of Hermes, A son of Hephaetus, A daughter of Atlas, A daughter of Hades and A son of Poseidon?"
"Simple,"Chaos said, "you all have pure hearts, despite everything you've seen and done, you are still purely good people."
"I'm not," Luke murmured, "I hosted Kronos remember."
Chaos simply smiled, "Luke, all that matters is that in the end you did the right thing."
"Yer but if I had never sided with Kronos then none of you guys would have died," Luke said miserably.
Percy gave Luke a small punch, "I would, probably earlier than I did as well," he laughed, then Percy turned to Chaos, "I'm still not really sure who killed me, I mean a dark hooded figure?"
"Ah," Chaos said, "that was End's doing."
Percy crinkled his brow, "why would End want to kill me?"
Beckendorf laughed and murmured, "who wouldn't want to kill you."
"Percy you are the most pure and good soul in the entire universe, despite everything you have seen you are still a purely good person, never once has any type of evil ever tempted you and End, well End is your opposite, the most twisted and evil soul in the universe." Chaos said.
All six of them stared at Chaos dumbstruck. He looked at each of them in turn.
"Now I know the war against that army is finished but the war against End isn't," Chaos told them, "I think you'll all agree that the first thing we should do is find the location of Mrs Jackson," all of them nodded, "but first," Chaos said, "I would like you to accompany me to a meeting with the fates."

So this Chapter has literally taken me so long to write, partly because I've been working, partly because I'm actually ill with an ear ache at the moment and mostly because i found a whole bunch of new fanfics to read and literally couldn't stop reading.
so i updated!!!!
If you're reading this comment 'potatoes' I want to see how many people read these A/Ns.
and in bad news I'm back at school on Friday so updates will probably slow back down again. I've got a bunch of sailing competitions coming up so need to train for those and I've got to start thinking about my options for what GCSEs I'm going to take so when i go back to school I'm gonna be soooo busy, i'll try to find the time to update but if i don't update for a while I'm sorry.
I'll see you soon.
remember to Comment, Vote and keep reading!
~Em  xx

Wow that was a long authors note, normally my A/Ns are only a few lines!

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