Chapter 8

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"Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow accept my offering and show me Annabeth Jackson," Hope said again. For what felt like the millionth time she threw the dracma into the rainbow.
She and Peter both held their breath. But agin nothing happened, the drachma was thrown back at them.
"This is hopeless," Hope sat down. Peter sat down next to her. She looked into his grey eyes.
"We need to tell dad," he said,
Hope nodded, "I don't want to think about what he'll do."
"He may blow out Chaos' plumbing," Peter said with a small smile.
Hope let out an involuntary laugh. Ever since she had found the truth she hadn't been able to look at her brother, but now it felt like he was a different person, even before she found out they had never really gotten along, but somehow, now they were finally working in harmony.
Hope got to her feet and offered her hand to Peter."c'mon," she said, "we've got to tell him sooner or later." Peter took her hand and got to his feet too. He created a wall of mist and Hope faced it.
"Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow accept my offering and show me Percy Jackson." She said, she threw the dracma at the rainbow.
Her father's face formed in the mist, he had a black eye and his face was covered in dirt.
"Dad!" The twins yelled in unison. He looked around and spotted them, his face broke into a grin.
"Hey guys," he said, "I've missed you."
Hope and Peter exchanged a glance.
"Dad, we've got something you should know," Peter said.
"What?" Their father asked.
Hope looked into her father's eyes, that were identical to her own, "mum's missing."


For a moment none of them spoke, they hardly breathed. The twins waited with bated breath for their father's reaction. And for a moment it looked like he may be calm.
But then raged erupted onto their father's face and the IM turned into a bright white light and then disappeared.
Hope looked at her brother with wide eyes, "he didn't take it well."
"What was that light?" Peter asked.
"I have no idea," Hope said, but she had a feeling that something big was coming, and that light had something to do with it.


Luke shielded his eyes against the bright light now covering the battlefield. A scream accompanied the light and Luke quickly recognised the scream to be Percy's. When the light subsided, it was to see that the whole enemy army had been vaporised by the light and Percy Jackson stood in the middle of the feild, breathing heavily, with a look of pure rage on his face. Across the field the armies of Chaos stood looking at Percy in shock.
The rest of the elite yelled orders trying to work out what had happened.
Luke stood and neared Percy.
"Percy?"Luke asked wairily, approaching Percy slowly, "what was that?"
Percy hardly seemed to register what Luke was saying. His normally grinning face was a mask of anger.
"Percy calm down," Luke put a hand on his old friend's shoulder, "what have they done with who?"
Percy seemed to deflate at Luke's touch. He sat down in the middle of the field and put his head in his hands. "Annabeth is missing."

Hey guys.
I fell kind of bad for leaving it this long to update.
If you haven't noticed I have entered the previous book Forget in the Wattys2015 so I've been editing that and I finally got round to updating WE. Also I have been working on some other books, the descriptions have all been posted on my profile if you want to check those out.
I'll see you in the next chapter
~Em xx

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