Chapter 12

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It was weird, at first none of them noticed but the lights had gone off. The reason none of them noticed was that the room was still just as bright as it had been.
This was because the light was emitting from each of them, most of all from Chaos.
It was Silena who noticed this, she looked around the room with a puzzled expression on her face.
Then her eyes fell on the strip lights on the ceiling, they were dark and lifeless.
She frowned and then pointed it out to Chaos. Chaos' face fell into a mask of horror.
"We need to move," he said, they all started at him, "quickly!" He grabbed the two people next to him's arms (Percy and Luke) and disappeared.
Then Chaos reappeared and grabbed the next two (Bianca and Zöe) and disappeared again.
Whilst he was gone and it was just Silena and Beckendorf left the door banged open. Annabeth ran in, she had a gleeful expression on her face and her eyes were pure black. No whites. Just black. She seemed to be sucking in darkness
Chaos reappeared and casting a death glare at Annabeth grabbed Silena and Beckendorf's hands and disappeared.


Peter and Hope hurtled through the streets of New Athens. There were no lights anywhere it was as if even the sun had been blotted out. The only light came from Hope.
"Where are we going?" Peter panted at his sister who was still dragging him by the arm.
"Away," she yelled back, "if we stay here people will just ask questions!"
Peter allowed her to keep towing him behind her.


Chaos ditched Percy and Luke in a forest. And he didn't return. The glowing didn't stop. The white light flooded the clearing that they were in.
Luke and Percy exchanged glances and then sat down on the forest floor, sitting back to back, watching the forest around them for any moment.


Bianca and Zöe were dumped on a volcano on what looked like planet Soleir to them.
They picked their way down the rocky hill to the small village of Solarians at the bottom of the volcano.


Silena and Beckendorf were the last ones to be dropped off by Chaos they were left on a planet at the other end of the universe to Bianca and Zöe.
In a deserted planet, the endless desert.


Finally Chaos went to the furthest corner of the universe. Splitting the seven of them up was the best option, and he needed to be as faraway as possible.


Hope pulled Peter out of New Athens and into the old Camp Halfblood woods. When they had run for what felt like hours to them both they came across a clearing and sat down.
Peter collapsed and started breathing heavily, and clutching a stitch in his side,"I really should've payed more attention to Chiron when we did fitness training."
"Yes you should," Hope sat down next to him, grinning slightly. She threw an arm around her older brother's shoulder, "I miss this." Hope said absentmindedly.
"Miss what?" Peter asked her, "running into the woods because you're glowing?"
"No," Hope said wistfully, "when we were younger we used to have so much fun together, and now we just argue, I miss my brother."
"I miss my sister too," Peter admitted, he started through the canopy of leaves, just above them was a gap so the sky could be seen. The sun had gone dark, it was like what and eclipse was described as, but it was different.
There was something evil about it, something Hope hadn't felt in this timeline. It felt like End. There was no other way to describe it. Close by They heard a twig snap. Hope's head whipped around and a way off she saw a faint white glow.
"Peter," Hope rose to her feet slowly and put a hand on his shoulder, "get up."
"Why?" He asked as he scrambled to his feet.
"There's something glowing over there," she pointed. "I'm too noticeable, you go over and check it out then come back."
Peter nodded and walked off in the direction she had pointed.
He was gone for a good 5 minutes before he hurried back into the clearing, with an excited look on his face, he didn't say anything. He just grabbed her hand and pulled her in the direction he had just come.
He pulled her into another clearing, where two men sat one blonde and one with the exact same colour hair as Peter.
"Dad?" Hope asked, their father's head wiped around and he sprung up from the floor and ran towards them.
"Hope! Peter!" He yelled as he swept them up in a hug.

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~Em xxx

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