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"Well maybe stop acting like a fucking slut!"

"How is it my fault that he was looking at me?! I didn't ask for it!"

"Then stop wearing such revealing clothes! You're basically begging for attention at this point!"

"We're over, Dukgyeong. And for real this time. Please don't call me again."

Juri ran out of the apartment building with tears in her eyes. She had gotten in yet another argument with her boyfriend, and she had enough. The arguments were getting worse and worse over time, until they turned physical. Juri knew it was time to leave. Her face was already covered in bruises, and the ones on her body were covered by her clothes.

The girl could never tell anyone about this. Juri had a past she didn't want anyone else finding out about, and her now ex boyfriend was the only one who knew. Even breaking up with him in his apartment, he was terrified. She didn't want anyone to know, not even her own best friend.

"Yah! Come back here!" Juri heard his voice. Turning around, she saw him running to her at full speed. Juri's breathing got heavier as she tried her best to speed up. It was no use, since she was feeling weak from the beating and couldn't run much.

Dukgyeong easily caught her, roughly grabbing her wrist and pulling her back to him. "Where do you think you're going? Do you think you can just break up with me like that?"

"Please, just leave me alone!" she yelled, only for Dukyeong to clasp his hand over her mouth.

"Stop calling attention over here," he hissed. "Just be quiet and come back. You're not going anywhere. Or do you want everyone to know how you used to be a prostitute?"

Juri tried to scream. She tried to wiggle out of his grip. But she couldn't. She felt too weak. Dukgyeong leaned in closer, and Juri could smell the mix of alcohol and smoke in his breath.

"You're not going anywhere," he repeated. "Unless you want people to know that you used to be a prostitute and did dirty things for money, come back with me."

"She's not going anywhere," A voice interrupted. Juri turned her head to see who it was. She saw a boy with salmon colored hair approaching the two.

"Let go of her right now!" He said and tightly gripped Juri's wrist, taking her away from Dukgyeong.

"And who the fuck are you?" Dukgyeong spat.

The boy examined Juri's face, noticing the multiple bruises and the look of fear in her eyes. He stepped in between her and Dukgyeong. "If you don't leave right now, I'll call the police."

Dukgyeong grumbled something under his breath before facing Juri again. "Don't say you didn't have this coming," he growled before finally walking away.

He immediately turned back to Juri, holding her by the elbows. "Are you okay? Did he do this to you?"

Juri could only nod. Her throat felt too tight to speak. The girl was terrified. Terrified of her secret getting out. She could already hear the things people would have to say about her once they found out. Tears were streaming down her face and it wasn't because of the pain from her injuries.

"I'm Chenle, you can trust me," he said, gently taking her hand and helping her over to a nearby bench away from everyone else. He helped her sit down, crouching in front of her.

"May I know your name?" Chenle said while reaching into his backpack for his first aid kid.

"Juri," she weakly replied, letting him tend to her injuries.

"Do you want me to call the polic-"

"No! Please don't!" She cut him off, a pleading tone in her voice.

"Okay, I won't," Chenle replied softly. He had overheard what they were talking about and already knew why she didn't want him to call the police.

He finished tending to her injuries and put the first aid kit back in his backpack. "I would offer you a ride home, but I don't have a car," he chuckled awkwardly. "The auto repair shop I work at is only a few blocks from here, do you want to come with me?"

Juri nodded. The dorms were too far away and she knew she couldn't walk. Naeun was taking extra evening classes and Juri didn't want to be alone.

Chenle stood up, dusting off his pants and offering the girl a hand. Juri took it and the two made their way to the auto repair shop.

"Thank you," Juri said. "I was so scared."

"It's okay," he smiled. "He won't bother you again, I promise."

Juri smiled back weakly, feeling a warm fluttering in her chest at the sight of his smile.

They reached the auto repair shop after a short walk. Chenle opened the door and led Juri inside. The building was extremely hot since the air conditioning was broken, but the girl didn't mind. Chenle unzipped the top half of his uniform, letting it hang off of his waist. The black shirt he was wearing underneath was sweat covered, outlining his muscles.

"Jisung, can you go get the fan!" He yelled to someone on the other side of the room. Juri's ears perked up at the familiar name, but she chalked it up as someone who just happened to share the name.

She was wrong, since Park Jisung appeared from behind a wall with cup noodles in his hands.

"The fan is bro- Juri?" He raised an eyebrow as he looked at the bandaged up girls.

"You two know each other?" Chenle said, looking back and forth in between the two.

"She's my girl's best friend," Jisung said as he walked over to the two of them. "What happened, Ju?"

Chenle gave her a look that meant do you want me to tell him and Juri shook her head. Chenle nodded and turned back to Jisung. "I was just walking by and saw her fall."

Jisung nodded, giving Juri a pat on the shoulder. "Clumsy ass."

"Say one more word and I'll tell Naeun what you wrote about her in that diary."

"Wait, I'm sorry! Please don't!"

Chenle chuckled, already knowing what she was talking about. Jisung had been in heat these days. And it was not because of how high the weather was lately.

"You can rest up here for a bit, I'll tell Naeun to drop by later for you," Chenle said, gently caressing the side of her head in a comforting manner. "Does she know about the...."

"She doesn't," Juri replied. "I don't want her to know."

"Alright, I won't tell her anything," he smiled before giving her some space to rest.

Juri had almost forgotten the events of today because of the boy's actions. She sat down on the couch they had and watched him as he continued working. 

Stuck | Park Jisung [ONGOING]Where stories live. Discover now