Chapter 2.20

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Liam joined his hands in front of him and took a deep breath with his eyes closed

"Holy shit, gods phone just rang and Liam Payne's name is on his screen"

"The fuck do you know about god?"

"I know to not say the F-word and god in the same sentence you senseless idiot"

"Insulting someone and saying God, look at you being extremely disrespectful"

"You all are so fucking stupid"

Louis pointed at Liam "I mean look at him!!"

Roger, Niall, and Becca all turned to look at Liam

The door opened and Liam quickly stood up, Zayn walked out of the room and smiled

Liam smiled and jogged over to him and hugged him tightly

"See, I told you" Louis said leaning against a wall

Niall blinked then turned to him "Don't you have to meet up with your fiancé?"

Louis' smile fell and he cursed before he ran out, Niall shook his head and looked back at Liam and Zayn

"I'm so proud of you" Liam whispered, Zayn smiled

"Thank you"

Members of the board, who are newly appointed came out and smiled

"Introduce us, sir"

Zayn smiled and put a hand on Liam's back "This is Liam, he's a prosthetic engineer" He smiled and kissed Liam's temple

"He's also my husband"

Members of the board all shook Liam's hand, he smiled at all of them and got to know all of their names

"You really do keep your private life private, huh young Malik?"

Zayn chuckled and looked at Liam, Liam smiled at him and rubbed his cheek "We've been marriage for almost 8 years now... He's been mine for 10 but who's counting" He said with a shrug and the board members laughed

Liam shook his head and stood on his toes to kiss Zayn's cheek "I'll see you later"

Zayn nodded, Liam waved at the members of the board then at their friend's before he left


It's been nearly 10 years since everything with Luca happened

And Liam honestly can't believe how fast time has passed, he's sometimes be working on something and a notification would arrive at his phone and he'd see the photo of him and Zayn on their wedding and smile

He'd be walking across their home and he'd see all the achievements they've gotten since getting together and he'd smile

He'd be walking across the hall with a nurse and she'd say something along with 'Doctor Malik' and Liam would sometimes have to stop himself from smiling

Yet he knows it was a lot, someday due to the excessive injuries to his head, Liam would unable to see from one of his eyes, some days the shower would look too menacing, it took him a lot of physical therapy to get his left hand to the state it's in today and he's still working on getting better, he can't wear anything on his wrists and it took him so long to become comfortable with masks and jackets

But Zayn, his husband, would always be there. He'd calm down Liam's panic attacks, go into the shower with him and went to every physical therapy appointment with him

Liam smiled while working when his phone dinged, his smile fell and he picked it up and opened their home surveillance cameras

He flipped through the room and stopped by the kitchen and rolled his eyes before he pressed the voice feature

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