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Gemini, after sitting with Fourth for a while, took some time to go out and talk to Phuwin. Fourth sat in here looking out at the unlocked door, Gemini was smiling and talking to Phuwin. That's right, he forgot that Gemini might like his brother, should he ask Gemini, but he probably would have told him. Fourth sat on the bed, quietly looking out the door...

Gemini and Phuwin went out to talk. It was now dusk, Phuwin needed to get to work early

"Gemini, if you don't mind, can I ask you to take care of Fourth tonight?"

"Okay, please rest assured that you will leave Fourth to me."

"Thank you so much, Gemini"

Phuwin looked at Gemini, assured Fourth, then walked out of the hospital. Gemini looked after Phuwin, then looked into the room, meeting Fourth's eyes looking at him. Fourth was surprised
so he looked away and saw him entering the room. For some reason, he turned his back to him and pulled the blanket over himself. Seeing this strange action, Gemini suddenly wondered for a moment, looking at him as if... feeling sorry for himself, he suddenly burst out laughing, what was the meaning of this action of getting under the blanket. Gemini didn't know that Fourth was really feeling sorry for himself, he lay with his back to him to hide his emotions, the feeling of pain in his heart but no way to relieve it.

"Fourth, what's wrong, are you tired?"

Gemini sat down on the chair next to the bed and spoke, Fourth also said nothing except nodding his head, nodding and pulling the blanket tighter.

"Fourth, don't cover yourself like that, it's not good."

Gemini pulled Fourth's blanket off, turned him flat, then pulled the blanket up to his chest. Fourth now lay straight, facing his eyes, his emotions becoming more confused, the curls on his forehead. Fourth couldn't sit still and let his eyes fall, Gemini reached out to grab it, Fourth's small hands kept clutching the blanket on his body tighter. He suddenly felt shy, but could only lie still and didn't dare move. until Gemini went out to buy porridge for him, Fourth relaxed a bit

"Gemini, don't be so nice to me, I won't be able to stop myself."

Fourth looked at Gemini's back, silently whispering this sentence in his heart, slightly leaning over to rest for a bit, Fourth suddenly lay straight again.

"No, Gemini said it's not good to lie like that."

Fourth spoke softly, then obediently lay quietly on the bed.


Phuwin ran to the bar, he went into the dressing room, looked around, it seemed like the bar was more crowded today than usual, there were a lot of people coming here, like they were waiting for someone. Phuwin breathed out, regained his spirit and prepared to work. After cleaning a row of tables, Phuwin began bringing water to the customers. Speaking of which, today it seemed like everyone was looking at him more than all kinds of people had their eyes glued to him, Phuwin is very upset, but what can he do? Since working here, he seems to know the problem, the shop has become more crowded since he started working, it seems like every day there will be people asking for information. contacted him, but Phuwin skillfully refused them all.

" Phuwin, what are you thinking? Bring a glass of water to P' Yak."

The voice woke Phuwin up, he got out of his thoughts and picked up the wine tray and walked to Yak's table. Again, Yak was introduced to him by Pawin. Every time he had a shift, Yak said he would show up, and of course Phuwin was also the one who brought him wine.

"Phuwin, bring another bottle of wine here."

Pawin sitting next to Yak spoke up, Phuwin also obeyed and listened. Phuwin put the glass of wine on the table, Yak walked over and pretended to take the bottle of wine and then accidentally grabbed Phuwin's hand. Yak looked at Phuwin with the eyes of a predator, his hand gently stroked Phuwin's hand a few times, with many expressions. Different meanings, but everyone understands what he meant. Phuwin was startled and withdrew his hand

"Sorry, I just want to hold the bottle of wine."

Yak spoke up to defend his actions, then looked at Phuwin. Phuwin didn't dare say much, he just nodded slightly and asked permission to leave.

"Hey, are you planning on attacking hi.?"

Pawin sitting next to him spoke up

"I've been looking at him for a long time, my endurance isn't very good"

Yak turned to speak to Pawin, his eyes becoming even more despicable. Pawin laughed

"That's good, I also want to. Phuwin has been working overtime these days. It seems like his problem is money, let's try later"

Pawin and Yak looked at Phuwin working in front of them, their hearts full of calculations


"Pond, why are we here?"

I don't understand what wind pushed Pond today to change the location of the bar he often frequented. As luck would have it, he chose the bar where Phuwin was working part-time. Pond is currently sitting with two of his friends, on the second floor. When he entered the shop, more people seemed to pay attention to him. Everyone knows that he must be a famous person in the business world, many people want to climb up to the position of standing next to him, or more precisely, to be his life partner, or at least his bed partner. But that seems impossible. If you learn about him in the business world, everyone knows that he must have had a lover while in Germany. They don't understand why they broke up, but when it comes to him, everyone People only know that now he hates being touched and also hates other people approaching him.

"Let's change the wind"

Pond held a glass of wine in his hand, gently shaking it while answering his friend's question. He sat on the second floor, looking through the glass barrier he could see the entire restaurant below. Pond entered the shop when Phuwin had returned to the storeroom, so he had not yet discovered that Phuwin worked here. Indeed, today he really wanted a change of scenery. If there were words to describe his current mood, perhaps the two words gloomy would be the best description. Looking at him, all I see is the aura of someone who is filled with anger. He himself didn't know why his heart became so uncomfortable. His eyes seemed to have no trace of emotion, coldly looking down at the dozens of people swaying to the music below.

Pond's entire body was filled with such discomfort that he pulled his friend to change bars. He didn't know why he was upset, but in his heart he was now wondering why Phuwin didn't go to work today, why didn't he write a reason for leaving, why was he so arbitrarily allowed, he must have allowed it. Today, Phuwin's absence at the company made him uneasy. Maybe he forced him to work, ordered him to come and get used to it, without him today, he suddenly felt strangely empty. This attitude of his spreads around him, forcing everyone to take a few breaths of cold air cautiously, but it cannot be denied that he is attractive in any state, and there are people who look at him.

Phuwin took the things out of the warehouse, arranged them on the shelf for a while, then continued to go out to work. Looking at the clock, it was 11 o'clock at night, but there were still many customers. He didn't know if he could survive. Pawin and Yak were still sitting in the same position. Seeing Phuwin come out, Yak gently nudged Pawin's arm and said:

"Hey, take action, it's time"

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