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A stream of cold water splashed straight on Phuwin's body. He coughed a few times and slowly opened his eyes to look around. Phuwin suddenly realized he was tied to the floor, his whole body was wet, and there was a strange girl he had never known before standing in front of him.

"Who are you, why did you arrest me?"

Phuwin's mind now only thought about the person in front of him, whether it was kidnapping for ransom or organ trafficking or something. A moment of fear arose in his heart, looking at the scary faces of several serious men with expressionless faces. There, Phuwin suddenly shivered. Blackmail? He don't have any money to get it. Phuwin tried to sit up even though his arms and legs were tied. Now he was sitting on his knees, trying to look at the face of the girl in front of him. Her Western features looked a bit familiar, but he never knew who she was, because this was the first time the two of them met.

"P' Phuwin, please let me borrow you to seduce your younger brother, he dares to seduce my people."

Min spoke, she raised her face proudly, raised her hand to look at the nails she had just done. Phuwin suddenly felt scared when he heard this

"Miss, what are you planning to do to Fourth?"

Phuwin has one thing: people can do anything to him, but if they harm Fourth, he will panic. Fourth had just recovered from his illness and had not yet felt how much joy life had. He did not want his younger brother to fall into danger or pain. But why do people still want to harm him?

"What to do? If he had listened, it wouldn't have been like that..."

Min had just opened her mouth to say something more when there was a noise outside the door, it was Tael, he walked in with an envelope of some kind in his hand.

"Little sister, it looks like you'll be sad when you see this."

Tael said, throwing the envelope to his sister, then turned to look at Phuwin

"Hello, Phuwin, I hope you remember my face."

Phuwin was immediately stunned by Tael's greeting, but the girl in front of him was his sister, so the two of them were plotting to capture him, and even wanted to touch Fourth. Tael smiled sarcastically, he reached forward and grabbed his chin

"What's so interesting about this beauty that makes Pond feel a little shaken? It's just a body double, it looks just like me"

Tael squeezed Phuwin's chin as he spoke. Phuwin tried to lift his chin to prevent Tael from touching him. Seeing his actions, Tael was annoyed and raised his hand to slap him. Five red hand prints were printed on Phuwin's cheeks. Because he lost his balance, he lay down on the cold ground.

"Tael, you and I have no enmity, why are you making things difficult for me? I have nothing to do with Pond anymore."

Phuwin spoke, but his words were ignored by Tael. Min at the same time opened the envelope, looked at the pictures and screamed

"What is this, he dares to hug and kiss Gemini"

Min tore through every photo that was taken not long ago, her eyes became angry and hateful. She ran to Phuwin, used her high heels to kick Phuwin in the stomach to vent her anger

"Your brother really deserves to die, he dares to kiss my man"

Min was angry, because she had never been so intimate. Phuwin was affected by the kicking force of the tip of his shoe and winced and felt uncomfortable. Suddenly there was a noise outside the door, Fourth walked in. This is a small house, the car couldn't get in so Fourth had to jog a long distance so now he was leaning on his knees breathing heavily. Fourth raised his head, saw Phuwin in front of him, wanted to run but was stopped.

"P' Phuwin! You guys, let him go"

Fourth shouted loudly, but he was still stopped by the two big guys in front of him. Min waved his hand and ordered the other two to let him go. She moved closer to Phuwin, reaching out to pull Phuwin's hair. These two probably have a hobby of pulling other people's hair. If they want, they can work in a gang for hire, they don't have to touch Phuwin.

"Fourth, just keep making a fuss and see what happens to your brother!"

Min said as she reached out and grabbed Phuwin's hair, pulling Phuwin's face up. Fourth immediately stopped all actions

"Min! Try touching my brother"

"I touched him, what are you going to do?"

Min said as she grabbed Phuwin's hair harder, her smug smile clearly visible. Phuwin was tied up and couldn't do anything to her. His head was held until he was spinning but couldn't resist. Fourth saw that his brother's condition was not good and had to be patient

"What do you want?"

"I told you, what's the point of your brain being born if you don't understand what I'm saying? You dare to take Gemini away from me"

"I asked what you wanted before you let my brother go!"

Fourth looked at Min with hateful eyes.

"Apply to transfer schools, stay away from Gemini and us, you can do it, right, Fourth Nattawat?"

Min said, Phuwin's eyes widened when he heard this, daring to say that Fourth transferred schools, Chula is Fourth's dream, Fourth cannot be allowed to accept this condition.

"Fourth, I don't agree to let you transfer, just leave me alone, at worst I'll get beaten up."

Phuwin shouted, Min immediately knocked Phuwin down on the floor. He no longer had the strength to fight back, wincing and enduring the pain.

"Who let you force him to change schools?"

Min was smiling complacently when Gemini's voice rang out from outside the door. He was grabbing the hair of one of Min's subordinates and pulling him in. His clothes must have been a bit untidy, because he had been fighting loudly outside. Angry, he grabbed a subordinate's hair until he was in front of the door before letting him go and kicking him. He looked inside, heard Min's voice and discovered this horrifying scene. Phuwin was suffering miserably from being tortured on the ground, and Fourth was being forced. Fortunately, he was not injured, but Phuwin it doesn't look very good. Gemini looked at another person also present

"Tael, you're such a bastard, hanging on to my brother isn't enough, you're also helping your stupid sister do this"

Tael heard Gemini say and just raised a smile

"As your brother, I'm allowed to be with him. I'm just helping him get rid of the excess things."

"So now my brother should see your true face, right?"

Gemini raised a smile. He held the phone in his hand and took a photo of both Tael and Phuwin, then pressed the send button. Gemini is trying to bet on who Pond's heart is pointing towards right now. Even if it's not towards Phuwin, at least he can know Tael's true face and promptly avoid the scum person in front of him.

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