CH 73 - LOVE

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A week has passed since Joong was taken to the hospital, Dunk gave up all his work and stayed by his side. Dunk often sat and talked to him alone to relieve his loneliness, because other than when people came to visit, only Dunk and he were in the room. These past few days, Dunk had been hoping to wake up completely. Just like that, he didn't dare to cry, nor did he dare to skip meals, because he was afraid that doing so would affect his body, and his illness will relapse and he won't be able to take care of him.

Today Dunk was still alone with him. He had just finished wiping his body. The doctor said his condition had improved and he would wake up soon, so Dunk was always by his side, just in case. When he woke up, there was no one there. Dunk put away the basin of warm water he had just wiped his body with, then walked out and pulled the chair closer. He no longer needed the oxygen machine. Dunk just sat there looking at his face. Reaching out to hold his motionless hand, Dunk spoke softly

"Joong, when will you wake up? I accept to be your lover."

A slight movement flashed, Dunk felt Joong's finger move a little, Dunk was surprised, then looked back at his hand as if to confirm, he was indeed showing signs of moving, Dunk hastily called out his name

"Joong, Joong, can you hear me?"

The familiar voice entered his ears. Joong slowly opened his eyes, looking at the tearful little person in front of him. He wanted to rush over and comfort him, but his body was now so weak that he couldn't move. move a lot. Dunk quickly pressed the button to call the doctor, in his heart he was overjoyed, finally after many days of waiting he must have woken up, he finally saw him open his eyes and look at him even though he must not have been able to speak.

After a while, the doctor examined Joong's condition and congratulated him because he was completely healthy, there were no serious effects, the impact on his head did not cause any serious consequences, he just needed to rest well and take care of himself. It's okay to be sick. After the doctor left, Dunk ran to sit next to him, the longing for many days made him throw himself into his arms and hug him

"Joong, you made me so worried, do you know how scared I was?"

After waking up, his first words were to blame him, which was fair, he made him so worried. But looking at Dunk like that, he felt happy inside, maybe he should thank this incident for bringing him and him closer together. Joong looked at him and spoke weakly

"If I can't protect my patients, how can I be a doctor?"

This sentence really caused a lot of shock, since when did he know how to say sweet words like this.

"I'm not your patient"

Dunk was heartbroken. He was deeply moved when he heard his words, but still tried to argue back a few times

"If it's not a patient, then it's my lover, okay?"

Joong once again used that sweet tone to talk to Dunk. What should I do? Dunk can't stand his voice.

"Then from now on you are not allowed to put yourself in danger like this anymore."


Dunk was happy to hear his answer, so the two of them have determined their relationship from now on, pursuing it for a long time. There were times when they tried to hold on, and times when they tried to let go, but until the end, love is still love, still can't leave him even one step away. The two looked at each other with deep affection until Gemini, Fourth, Pond, and Phuwin opened the door and walked in. Why did everyone invite each other to come here today? Just texting and Joong woke up, but GeminiFourth came here as soon as he finished school. Phuwin read the message and immediately left work unfortunately he was forced by Pond to go with him, so there was a scene like this where four people came here at the same time.

Since the day Joong woke up, everyone knew about JoongDunk's relationship. Of course, their parents were very happy about this, and their relationship also progressed smoothly. Pond looked at his younger brother and best friend like that, he was also in a hurry, many times he sat and talked with Phuwin.

" Phuwin, everyone has a couple, let's be a couple"

"You dream"

" Phuwin, think about being my lover"


"Phuwin, if there is any problem, call me first, I will always appear"

"I should probably call someone else"

Just like that day after day, Pond was mercilessly beaten. Even though Phuwin no longer held a grudge against him, he still couldn't seem to overcome an invisible barrier that made him afraid of being in a love relationship. He also apologized to him, offering to take responsibility for what he must have done before, but Phuwin didn't want to, he just said that everything was over so he should let it go


Phuwin was alone at home today because Fourth went on a weekend date with Gemini. He lay on the sofa thinking about Pond. He must have been flirting with him like that recently, making him feel a little shaken. Before, he thought it was probably due to temporary emotions, but he went deeper and deeper into his heart. Phuwin shook his head to stop thinking about this. His empty stomach was showing signs. Phuwin quickly got down from the chair and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"Out of food.."

Silently whispering, Phuwin closed the refrigerator door, then walked to the grocery store near his house to buy some food to cook. Thinking about it, Phuwin immediately went out the door and put on his slippers. He walked on the small path leading to the grocery store, happily enjoying the cool air. Luckily it wasn't raining today, just a little cold. Phuwin put his hands in his coat pockets to keep warm as he walked and looked around.

Phuwin was carrying a bag of food in his hand. When he came across a small area of ​​land, he saw a group of young men standing, their expressions looked very strange. Phuwin suddenly felt a bit chilled, he had to pass by them, but they were drinking and smoking, like a group of thugs.

Trying to keep himself calm, he walked his way back home, but as he passed the group of people, it felt like all eyes were on him.

"So delicious"

Phuwin vaguely heard an exclamation from them. He then started to walk quickly past but was stopped.

"What do you want to do?"

What should I do? Looking at those predatory eyes made Phuwin extremely scared.

"It's so delicious that we have to enjoy it, you guys, pull it into the car"

"Aaaa, you guys, let me go. Is there anyone, please help me?"

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