21 | is it a double date?

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in honor of 1000 votes here's a double update
edit: posted a paige book don't be afraid to check it out

Paige and Ivy have been here a few days now and it's New Year's Eve. We've spent all day showing them around to a few good places to eat that were open. Many places around here close near the holidays so they didn't get all the best options.

All of us are getting ready and I'm already dressed. I'm sitting with Betty on the bed while Cait gets ready. I just feel bad leaving her here alone even if it's just for a few hours. She's just a puppy!

I look up to see Caitlin struggling to find a shirt.

"Which one are you looking for?" Maybe I put it away in the wrong spot or something.

"That black corset top thing you got me a while ago. I wanted to wear it. Do you mind if I wear your leather jacket too?"

"I might have hung it up instead of put it with some of your tops. I'm sorry." She just gives me a thumbs up and heads to her closet. "And go for it. I'm not wearing it anyways and you'd look cute in my jacket." It's definitely going to be big on her but that'll make her look way cuter.

She comes out with that top and a successful look makes its way onto her face. Look at her go.

She changes into that top and I've got pretty good taste. In women and clothes because her outfit was completely bought by me. Caits in a black skirt with that black corset and my black leather jacket. It was in here anyways since I wear it so much.

I have on white nike pros under my baggy jeans because why the hell not. To go with it is a white cropped short sleeve top and a red leather jacket. I don't know why I'm obsessed with leather jackets but I am. It seems to work out tonight though because now I get to look at Caitlin in one of them. A win is a win.

I set Betty on the ground and go to the bathroom to fix up my makeup. It's already done but I might as well make sure it's perfect.

The only thing I really do is put on some more lipgloss and mascara. Good enough.

"Okay, I'm ready." I take Caitlin's hand in mine and we walk out the door to find Paige and Ivy already out there. There's no way we took that long. "Were you guys waiting out here for long?"

"Yes. It's literally been like 20 minutes." Paige looks down to check her watch even though she doesn't have one on her wrist.

"No, we just got out. Paige is being a smartass so ignore her." Paige pouts at the fact that Ivy snitched at her and I laugh.

When we pull up it's pretty busy but some of the people there recognize us and we make our way through the bar easily. It's nice being an athlete sometimes.

We find a table in the back luckily because no way was I about to stand at the bar.

There have been several articles about Caitlin and I lately but we haven't ready any. If they're bad then our publicists will handle it. Out of sight out of mind. The post has gotten over 7 million likes and Caits head definitely exploded when she looked. It was super funny.

My parents tried to call me about it and I answered once but when I did they called me slurs. They're not really into the whole me being bi thing. My dad just says I'm going through a phase and mom just shuns me. Luckily my little brother isn't phased by anything and still sneaks mom's phone away to call me.

"So, what's your new year's resolution?" Caitlin asks everyone. "Mine is to make Willow pay for everything."

Of course she would say that. One time I opened my bank app in front of her and she actually flipped out. I don't know how much she thought my Nike deal was for but certainly not what I had. I'm getting 32 million dollars from it over three years. So I have 10.6 million in my bank account right now just from that. There's more from other deals don't worry. Nike has said they want me for more than three years but they'll have to prove it when the contract expires.

lunch, caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now