14 | dinner not lunch

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super unedited. we fell in love in october is going through my head right now. pls send help. and thanks for all the love. an extra long chapter just for that!!

My flight didn't feel that long and before I even know it I'm back in Iowa. Paige is sending me good luck messages and is trying to hype me up. So maybe she's being dramatic on my behalf but am I gonna stop her? No.

Jada picks me up from the airport and I'm grateful for her. We've been closer than before and I'm glad to have another friend here. She's one of the nicest people I know.

"Jada thanks again."

"What are teammates for? What are friends for." She glances over at me and I smile. Jada makes it really easy to be friends with her.

We carry on an easy conversation and before we know it we're back at the apartments. She helps me carry one of my bags in which was sweet.

Jada pauses the elevator and turns to me so I match her stance.

"Will, I need you to be honest with me right now."

"I'll do my best. What's the problem?" My voice is cautious and it should be. For all I know she's about to murder me. If it wasn't Jada I might be a little worried about that.

"Look, I know you and Caitlin are doing that weird almost dating but not yet kind of thing. I have one favor to ask of you first." I nod my head slowly for her to continue. "Please make sure you've forgiven her before continuing a relationship with her."


"I just don't want either of you getting hurt. You're both my best friends and it would hurt me to see you guys down in the dumps." She frowns at the thought of us being hurt but I'm smiling.

"You called me your best friend."

"Of course I did Willow."

"SHUT UP!" I pull her into a hug and she slowly puts her arms around me. Maybe I'm freaking out but no one but Paige and Taylor have called me that before. I really didn't know Jada and I were to that stage yet. It warms my heart that she thinks of us that way.

"Obviously. I don't just hang out with everyone in my spare time. I could be sleeping!" She acts like that's the most obvious thing in the world. I laugh at her and step back.

"We're actually talking about everything as soon as I get up there. I don't think I would be able to date her if I wasn't over what happened anyways. Really Paige wouldn't let me." She hits the stop elevator again and we continue on.

"Good. And good luck. I'm gonna need all the details when you're done." I nod my head to her and we go our separate ways when we get to our floor. The door is left unlocked so I head inside and set my stuff by the door.

"Hey Cait. I'm home." I walk in to the kitchen and stop in my tracks. A smile creeps up on my face.

"Hey, Will. I uh got these for you." She pushes a bouquet of beautiful peonies at me. "They reminded me of you since they're pink."

My cheeks are probably best red right now but I gently take them from her.

"Thank you, Cait. This is so sweet." Her cheeks are also red and we stare at each other for a second. "Um I should go out these in my room and change."

"I'm glad you like them." She smiles so big her dimples pop out and an automatic smile makes its way once again.

I take the flowers that were on my dresser vase out and throw them in the trash. Once the vase is refilled with bathroom sink water I put my new flowers in. I send Paige a photo of my flowers and then I go back to my closet to find clothes that haven't been in the airport.

lunch, caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now