7 | you're so boo-tiful

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i rewrote this chapter twice and it's still not great help me

Today is halloween and even though it's a school night it doesn't matter. Practice was cancelled today so that players with younger siblings could go trick or treating with them or just take a free day. Right now we were getting ready for a party and even though Caitlin didn't want to wear a costume, I made her. Well really Kate did because they're matching.

Cait wanted to match with me but I already had my costume and she didn't want to be a frog. I really don't get why she wouldn't but oh well.

"Hey, Will?" She yells from her room. "Will you come and curl my hair for me?"

"Yeah, will you lace my corset up for me?" I'm basically all ready so it's no problem helping her. My hands hold my corset up so that it doesn't fall off since it's still untied.

She's getting ready in her bathroom so I make my way in there.

When I walk in she doesn't notice me right away so I take my time to admire her. Sometimes, she gets this concentration face and her dimple pops up. It's so cute. Her outfit makes her look so good and I really wish she wouldn't put the coat on over it.

"Hey, Cait." Her eyes light up when she turns to me and it makes me smile. She's so cute.

She turns me around so that she can tie my corset. Her hands trail up my arms and goosebumps rise in their wake. When she reaches the top of my back she moves my hair to the side so that she can tighten my top.

"You look beautiful Willow." Her voice is a whisper as if she's afraid to break this moment.

As she said that she finished tying my top so I turned around to face her. My hands fall to her waist as if they'd been there countless times.

"You are the most breathtaking person I've ever seen." My hand moves to brush her hair back out of her face and she blushes at the attention.

"Uh, hair. Yes okay will you do my hair?" She clears her throat and I'm not going to push something that she's not ready for. I'd wait a lifetime for her. With a nod I spray her hair with heat protection and start taking strands to curl.

When we finished we grabbed Kate, Jada and Gabbie so we could carpool. The girls decided that I would be the DD and apparently I didn't get a choice in the matter. Something about how I was the newest person to the squad. Whatever.

I pull up to the party and it's already in full swing. I'm hoping that they won't want to stay too long but if you've ever seen Kate at a party then you know my hopes are so wrong.

Caitlin and I walk inside holding hands but I quickly let go so I can put my arm around her waist. No way am I letting her get lost.

"Let's go get a drink." I don't know which girl behind us suggested it but if Cait agrees then obviously I do too.

While on the way to the kitchen a guy slaps my ass. This is why people would choose the bear. I glare at him and was gonna ignore it until Caitlin decides to lunge at him.

"Woah, baby. We need you on the team, please calm down." My arms are around her waist as she tries to punch him. "Baby, please. Calm down for me." I hear her take a deep breath but she stops trying to hit him. Honestly if it wasn't season then I would let her at him.

"Does that mean I can't punch him either?" Kate, the calmest girl in the world looks angry as fuck too.

"Just leave it." He smirks at me like he's won but if there's one thing to know about me, men make me mad. I shoulder check him and since we're the same height it knocks him down and he hits the floor hard. "Oops." Honestly I slipped.

lunch, caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now