10 | standing alone in the cold

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hey guys!! so i want to say thanks for giving my book a chance. i know it isn't amazing but you've stuck with it and ily all for it.

on live | thursday morning | reading comments

Right now Taylor and I were reading comments on the youtube video while I got ready. I was feeling a little nervous for it but Taylor was trying to keep my mind away.

"Um Will. This comment is super out of pocket." She's laughing while she says that and my interest is piqued.

"Bro just tell me."

"You asked for it I guess. It says 'Willow looks so fine in this that she could spit in my mouth and I'd just say thanks mommy'." I stop putting my hair up and stare at the instagram live. Don't get me wrong, I get comments like that a lot but nothing that down bad.

"Oh uh thanks?" My expression must be pretty bad because Taylor starts cackling. She's clutching her stomach from how hard she's laughing. "Taylor get your pig ass laugh out of here. Goddamn."

We're sitting on the edge of her bed but I'm just in a sports bra and basketball shorts since practice is soon. Taylor finally calms down and looks at the live comments for a second. I stretch and raise my hands because I'm almost falling asleep.

"Willow stop doing stuff like that. The comments are freaking out because they can see your abs." She glances back at me before reading more. "Dude you're totally gonna see an edit of that on tiktok."

I shrug and shoot the camera a smirk. Taylor pushes me and she does it a little too hard and I go straight to the floor. Ouch.

"Bro. Why would you do that?" I try to be mad at her but I can't. It's never that deep.

"Okay let's read a few more comments on our video." I get back on the bed and pull my phone out to read. These comments are so unserious and it makes me wonder who has the courage to post something like that.

willowwaltersstan: pls fuck me like you can knock me up

willowismywifey: i'm so down bad for her

paigeluvwillow: willow ignore caitlin and paige and pick me

number46: how does someone look that fine baking cookies?????

My eyes tear away from the comments and I can tell that Taylor is reading them too.

"Okay guys I'm not judging but I've never been this down bad for someone." I look over at the live again and read the comment to them. There are about 700k people on it right now. "It says, 'pls fuck me like you can knock me up'."

The comments go wild and I try to read them but there are too many to really focus on one. There's only one that I catch and it's Paige's.

hey baby
hey tay

"Hi Paigie. Shouldn't you be in school or something?" Technically I should be but it's an online class so I'll just do it later.

i am but the prof hasn't showed up

"Oh. I'm shocked you even went to class. Uh not like you used to skip or anything." I try to recover myself and not throw her under the bus because we're athletes. My finger scratches behind my ear and I rub my neck awkwardly. Maybe no one noticed?

"Nice catch Willow." Tay snorts.

"Alright guys I have to get off for practice. It starts in forty minutes." I salute the camera and make my way to Taylor's closet so I can steal a shirt. Taylor also says bye to the live and turns it off.

lunch, caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now