19 | ivy is my favorite

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Paige wouldn't tell me when her flight was getting in so I decided to go behind her back and ask Ivy to tell me. She's the girl Paige is bringing and I adore her. She's on the basketball team and she's crazy good but also underrated. This year however, she got a starting spot and is doing amazing. She's like my baby even though she's a year younger than me.

Cait and I are picking the two of them up from the airport right now. I made Caitlin hold a sign that says 'Paige and Ivy welcome home from the nudist camp!'. Cait told me not to make it but when I asked her to get the poster she couldn't say no to me.

We see Ivy and Paige coming down the escalator and they're oblivious to us so far. They're talking to eachother and smiling which is a good sign. She didn't even mention her last time I visited which really just meant she didn't know how to express her feelings. Azzi told me that they'd been kind of going out. I also know that Ivy and I were the two girls all our teammates have a crush on. Not to toot our horns or anything.

They finally spot me and I nudge Caitlin to hold the sign up. A few people around us were laughing at the sign and a few were trying to sneakily take a photo. I just put a big smile on my face and made sure my hair looked good. Caitlin's publicist is so gonna have a field day with this.

Paige's face is red but Ivy is laughing at the sign. Our humor has always been pretty much the same so that doesn't surprise me. She even pulled her phone out and took a photo before they got to the bottom. When they do though, Ivy comes running to me and Paige follows embarrassed.

"Willow!" She's still running and doesn't slow down. Ivy jumps on me and I laugh. She's like a little sister to me and I've missed her.

"Hey Ivy. I'm glad you could come!" I set her down and pat the top of her head. She hates when I do that but it's so funny.

She shoves my hand away and I pull Paige into a hug next. "Hey, P."

"I've missed you, Will." I just squeeze her harder. Have you ever had to be away from your best friend in the whole world before? It's a struggle even when you talk over the phone every day.

"I'm really glad you guys could come. Betty's gonna love you." We head out of the airport and Caitlin is talking to Ivy to give Paige and I some time. I love her.

We walk a few steps in front of them with our arms intertwined.

"So, you and Ivy?"

"No. Yes. I mean, I don't really know okay? I think I like her but I don't know if she really wants me."

"Sure, sure. It's not like when I talk to her she talks about you constantly or anything. And it's not like you guys have a lot of chemistry on the court either."

"Hey! We have a lot of chemistry too and we aren't dating." I side eye her because we all know we almost did. "Don't give me that look."

"Whatever. Be in denial but know when you're ready I'm always here."

Safe to say that Betty loved Ivy, but not Paige. It was actually so funny because Paige kept saying that she'd be Betty's new favorite. Nice try bitch.

Ivy's on the couch with Betty and Paige is on the opposite side of the couch pouting because she's unliked. Ivy was just laughing at her which didn't help put P in a good mood. They're hilarious.

Cait and I are in the kitchen and just watching the two of them. Not in a weird way but because they so like eachother. The way Ivy will glance at Paige when she's not looking and Paige does the same to her. It's so cute. To be young and in love. Oh wait I already am.

Caitlin has her back against the counter while we talk about random things. Really it's about who is going to dog sit for us since Taylor's going out of town.

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