23 | stupid articles

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It's the night of the Ohio State game. We lost and it was a pretty tough pill to swallow. I mean, it will help us learn how to bounce back from a loss but still. We really shouldn't have lost but I think we just went into it with too much confidence. Like yeah, we're good but we can't just rely that everything is going to happen perfectly.

We're all in Cait and my apartment just having some bonding time together. Aside from the games we haven't all been able to get together due to the holidays.

I'm still very much sick and sore from yesterday. But I'll take it because the team won't let me do anything and they're treating me like a princess. More so than usual I guess I should say.

"Hey, Will do you need anything while I'm up?" I hear Jada ask me.

"Can I have a water, please."

"Of course."

Caitlin is sitting up behind me and I'm laying between her legs with my back to her front. She's playing with my hair and I love that feeling. Everyone is either sprawled on the floor or in a chair.

My phone pinged and I see that my manager sent me a link to an article. Curiosity got to me like usual and I immediately open it.

espn breaking news:

I know we all watched the Iowa v. Ohio State game tonight. We all saw how Willow Walter's, our favorite player by far, was rammed in to by the other team. 

Some are speculating that it was a calculated attack. That the Ohio State team was trying to take out Walter's. Now this is just what people think, nothing based off of fact.

If that was their true purpose then it worked because she immediately went out of the game after she made her free throw.

Even with her getting hurt into the second quarter she had good stats. Not as good as usual but I think we can give her this one since she didn't play most of the game.

Walter's game out with 18 points, 10 rebounds and 2 assists. We don't have any more information on her, just that Caitlin Clark showed out when Walter's left. She had 42 points on the night which lead the team my far.

Too bad she couldn't finish it and the team left with the loss. I'm sure that they'll come back but will it be with Willow Walter's or is she out for good? Guess you'll have to tune in and find out once we get the word. Next time.

Caitlin was reading over my shoulder and she scoffed when she got to the end of it. I'm with her on that one. Why does espn seem to have an obsession with me? Like the original plan was for them to follow the UConn girls but then I was playing decently good so they chose just one player from it. Then they follow me all the way to Iowa.

I mean what did they want the girls to do last night? Just suddenly play like it was the end of the world. It's in the middle of the season. This loss doesn't reflect who we are. Journalists creep me out most of the time and this is one of those.

"This dude follows me everywhere. I thought we were good because he'd only done a few this year but nevermind." I lean back on Caitlin again and she puts at arm around me.

"Here you go Will." Jada holds the glass of water out to me. I kind of forgot that I asked her to get me one.

"Thank you, Jades."

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