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tay's apartment | debriefing

Taylor listened to me without interrupting but I could tell she was barely holding her words in. There was something good about being able to talk about your problems. Who would have thought? I let it all out and she sits there for a few minutes in silence. It might seem awkward but it was nice.

"So first, these articles popped up last night and Paige was trying to tell you? Good for her." I nod my head and she continues. "And then you read them and one was about Caitlin and dating rumors. Then to follow it up is an interview where she basically says you're overrated?"

"Exactly." This is really where I'll find out if there's actually a problem here or if I'm being dramatic. She's usually super levelheaded.

Taylor takes a deep breath in and now I can tell it's to calm herself. I'm glad her anger isn't towards me because that's a scary sight. I really don't recommend.

"What the actual fuck. You're telling me that she told you she couldn't wait for you to get there, even picks you up from the airport. And then she fucking dogs on you like she hates you?" I nod again. "She's such a bitch. Please also tell me why Kate didn't call her out?"

"I don't know, Tay. I didn't really stay to ask what was up their asses." My tears are gone and now anger is all that's left. Taylor's anger is feeding mine and I really hate feeling this way but I think I'm past that.

"Seems like they're not used to Caitlin not being the most popular on the team." Makes sense. "I need you to listen to my words carefully okay."

"Okay." My voice is sad but that's understandable. My anger is fading as we speak and things settle into place.

"You are a fantastic player. I might not play but anyone can see that you are phenomenal." I go to interrupt but she holds her hand up. "Not to mention that you won player of the year two years in a row, and at the rate you're going, you'll get it this year too. You have a great attitude, can actually play and bring something to the sport that hasn't been around for a while. Best of all is you're my best friend in the whole world. So no one shits on her like that and gets away from it."

I don't reply right away and give myself a minute to take everything in. She's right though. I'm not a bad player, I don't talk trash on my own teammates out of jealousy and I have Taylor.

"Okay but what do I do now. I need to talk to her and Kate about everything but I still need time. What do I even say? 'I heard you shit talk me in an interview that has over 2 million views that gets more every second?'"

"Yes. Word for word please." You need to confront but also be open to what they have to say. Mainly Caitlin.

She's right. But it's a lot to take in. I mean, I've been awake for 3 hours so it's a lot to digest. If Paige and Taylor wasn't here then Insont know where I'd be. Probably homeless on the street.

"Thank you for being here Tay."

"Anytime." She takes my hand in hers and squeezes it. "How about you shower, we get some lunch and pretend like this situation never happened. It's totally healthy. And I guess for a moment think over a reply to her."

"Sounds good. Is it cool if I use yours instead of the guest?" The guest bathroom doesn't have great water pressure and I plan on stealing her body wash.

"Go for it, babe."

Once I make my way back out I hear Taylor making noise in the kitchen so I make my way over. When she sees me she wolf whistles and I grin at her.

"Where do you wanna eat?"

"I was thinking McCallisters. Does that sound alright?"

"I fucking love that place. Let's go."

lunch, caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now