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"Welcome to Omega Point," Kenji says with a smile

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"Welcome to Omega Point," Kenji says with a smile. He sounds proud.

Omega Point is an underground base hidden from the rest of the world. It has training quarters, bedrooms, cells, a cafeteria, and just about everything.

It is crawling with so many people that I never have seen before. It's truly amazing that this sanctuary of a place exists.

The hallways are so long that it sends me into a spiral. Kenji and I currently entering an office room where I see an unfamiliar face.

A fit man sits in a chair in front of a desk. His dreads only have one streak of silver, and while he appears to be older he has no wrinkles at all. His eyes are dark and kind.

"Em, meet Castle," Kenji says. "He's kind of the leader around here."

I shake Castle's hand, sensing that he is someone who deserves a fair amount of respect. I am entering his base of operations after all.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Emilia Volt."

"Kenji has told me a lot about you and your powers. Tell me more about your abilities, Ms. Volt."

"My main ability is electricity. I can control it and use it on others, but I try not to. I'm also able to work with metal and magnets."

"Welcome to the team. If you're alright with it, we will be coordinating  training schedule for you as well as getting you a suit."

I never thought I'd have to train here, but I guess it wouldn't hurt. It will hopefully help me master my powers.

"Of course, it was nice to meet you, Castle."

He gives me a nod before Kenji and I continue to the hallway. I look over at him. "I can tell you respect him a lot, Kenji. Are you guys close?"

"Very. I've known him since he took me in at nine years old."

"You've never told me about your past, I'd be happy to hear anything."

"Maybe another time. Thanks though, princess."

"Does Castle have an ability like mine?"

"Advanced telekinesis. It's pretty sick."

My mind makes a connection. "Wait. Does that mean you have powers too then?!"

"Let me show you."

Kenji disappears. He physically vanishes into thin air, and I'm terrified. I look around, but he is nowhere. He's not down the hall or hiding behind me.

"Kenji? Kenji!"

I'm worried.

Until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I feel it, but I can't see it. "Hey, princess."

He reappears with a smile on his face. "Invisibility."

I giggle. "That's amazing." I soon have an idea. "Can we go see Adam?!"

"Sure. He should be in his room, but he has an order to rest for the next couple of days."

I'm following Kenji down the halls again, and I'm so happy to be with him again. In the time I've known him, he's become my real friend.

I turn the doorknob and see Adam leaning against the wall on his bed. He immediately sits up straight when he sees me. Despite his orders to rest and the scars covering his body, he gets up and hugs me tight.

I lift up in the air a bit. He's not letting go and I'm ok with it. Kenji clears his throat and Adam lets go.

His confession from before Warner caught us is still haunting me. Adam loves me, and I don't love him in the same way. I feel terrible and I don't know how to tell him.

"Bro, do you want space?" Kenji asks Adam.

Adam nods and Kenji waves goodbye.

I sit beside Adam on his bed. I'm nervous to be alone with him because I don't know to react to some of the things he says.

At the same time, I'm really glad he's ok and that I get to see him again.

"I'm so glad you're okay, Adam. I tried to help you, but Warner just wasn't allowing it. I can't use my powers on him."

"I'm glad Kenji got you away from him. He's cruel and sick."

Adam must not know that Warner is being held captive not too far away from his room. "Adam... he's being held captive here."

"You're joking, right? He better not be aloud to see you."

"Listen, I don't like him either. But Warner might not be as bad as we all think. He seems... sweet at times."

Adam is shaking his head almost violently. His face never looks even remotely sane when it's Warner we're talking about. There is a deep hatred rooted in Adam's heart.

"Don't be stupid, Emilia. Warner is not sweet."

My face is cupped in between his hands. Adam looks at me like I'm the only one in Omega Point and maybe in the whole world. "He wants you to believe that you belong with him. But you belong with me."

"Adam, I-"

He starts kissing me so hard that I almost fall backwards. My protesting is doing nothing against his lips. He's starting to push me against the wall.

There's a loud knocking on the door, but Adam doesn't seem bothered. This kiss doesn't feel right to me.

It's not what I want.

"Adam," I try to say.

There's another loud knock. "Em, Castle needs you," Kenji's voice rings.

Adam is still persistent like he has been waiting for this moment ever since we met. I don't know why I let him kiss me. I don't know why I just gave in like that when I know that I didn't want him to do it.

I finally break it, letting him know that I need to answer Kenji. He looks dissapointed and hurt but I can't bare to let him see the disgusted look on my face.

As soon as I open the door, I know that Kenji senses the tension filling the room. He must see Adam's longing stare behind me even in the darkness.

"What's up, Kenji?"

"Castle wants you to go talk to Warner."

My heart flutters. "What? Why?"

"He's been throwing some sort of fit like a little baby. But Castle says you are the only one he will talk to."

"I guess I can do it if that's what Castle needs," I decide.

Adam immediately sits up, shaking his head maniacally. "She is not going."

One thing that I can't stand about Adam is that he  never wants me to make decisions for myself. If I want to see Warner, there is no reason why I shouldn't.

"Adam, it's fine."

"No it isn't! I don't trust him around you."

"I said I'm going."

I try to walk out the door, but Adam grabs my arm. "Emilia, listen to me."

Kenji pushes him off me. "Let her go, dude. It's her choice."

Adam huffs before I manage to quickly walk out of the room. Kenji follows me once he has calmed Adam down.

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