35. House Party II

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THE DINNER HAS ENDED, and the men had adjourned to the study for stronger liquids why the woman retired to the drawing-room for exclusive gossip.

From what he heard, the house party was hosted by lady Durford who was supposedly the sister to the Marquess of Romley.

Cole and Sebastian had always held one view about house parties and that is that they were organised to find men and women who couldn't make it in the marriage mart during the season, another opportunity in the marriage mart.

Judging by the number of ladies that swarmed the place, Cole was left with naught but to think that the Duchess had this same idea when she proposed this house party.

Perhaps she was trying to find her brother a wife since he had failed to procure one during the season.

Cole eyed the group of men in the study as they catered to their port, his eyes trained on Wychfort who didn't even seem aware of the attention he received from him.

Cole had never thought of himself as a protector of a woman's virtue, perhaps a debaucher, but not a protector, but here he was in this bloody party all because Sebastian was worried that one gentleman might turn Julia's head.

The party was expected to last for several days. And also the matter of Wychfort. Sebastian didn't want Wychfort anywhere around Julia. Which was why he had sent Cole to serve as her protector at least until he had got the special license then he could take matters from there.

Sebastian had ordered him to watch Julia and not leave her side, especially now that the engagement had been called off.

Men liked to follow. Knowing that Julia had caught the attention of one of the rare Lords. They might begin to wonder what he had seen in her they didn't and because they had a lot of pride and wouldn't want other to look at them as if they cannot recognise a beautiful thing they might begin to pay her attendance, and that, is what Sebastian's doesn't want.

Cole twirled his drink and took one last shot before he excused himself to go find his room. The butler had assured him that his things have been unloaded from his carriage and sent up to his assigned room.

Cole was weary and tired, the toil of the whole journey was wearing on him. He needed sleep.

The earl of Tonfield climbed the stairs in a daze and rounded a corner. He only took five long strides before he was pulled to an empty dark hallway.

"Bloody hell!"

"Shhh! you mustn't shout." A feminine voice whispered.

Cole frowned, had he said that aloud? Then he peered down and stared at the woman holding his arm.


Cole planted his hands on his waist and grinned. just who he wanted to see. "Forget the serpentine, do you know you could be ruined just by being in this dark hallway with me and I...."

"Ahh." Cole groaned in pain. "what did you hit me for."  he rubbed the spot she had hit him and glared at her.

"Don't be shouting like a bloody woman," Julia whispered, "And besides I thought I told you to lower your voice, " she hissed.

Cole frowned when had she said that unless he was mistaken, Julia had said nothing like that at all.

"No one would hear us if you so much as  reduce your voice and besides anyone that is supposed to see us is downstairs, all of them are downstairs."

"You seem to have forgotten the scullery maid, the chambermaid, the butler, the footman, anyone can meet us here and besides when did you start swearing," Cole asked.

"I hope Sebastian knows what he is getting himself into," he muttered under his breath, earning him another smack on his arm.

"Woman." Cole clutched his arm and staggered back. "I'm beginning to fear for my dear friend's life. I can only imagine all the beatings he would receive from your hand." Cole shuddered.

"Oh, quit talking already and tell me why you are here." Julia hissed.

Cole grinned. his action only proving that his past action was a lie.

"I can't believe you are here!" Julia continued. "I thought you don't attend social functions."

"I know."

"Then what happened? or perhaps  I should ask, where is Sebastian? one minute I was planning a fake engagement with you, the next thing I heard the said engagement have been resolved. you didn't even think to tell me!" Julia cried.

Cole scoffed. "Of course I told you. I sent you a missive."

"Yes, that was after I had already been quizzed by my dear mother who wanted to know why I resolved the engagement. The least you could have done was to let me in on the next plan."

Cole sighed. "Well I sent the missive."

"I know!"

Cole shrugged, "Then it's not my fault.

Julia rolled her eyes even though she knew Cole couldn't see her action. " well?" she folded her hands.

"Well what," Cole asked.

"Where is he?"

Cole grinned. "Well, your dear Sebastian had gone to procure a special license from the archbishop.

"He has?" Julia asked excitedly.

Cole chuckled. "Fret not my lady, he would soon be here.

Julia smiled.

Cole sighed as he remembered he had wanted to sleep. " Then if there is nothing else. Can I be excused my lady," he said and executed an immaculate bow.


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